A LaTeX-template that can be used for dissertations. I developed this template while writing my own PhD thesis. You can see the template in use here: Example
- texlive-full
- biber (for biblatex)
- latexmk, xelatex
- Fonts: Vollkorn (http://vollkorn-typeface.com), Gillius ADF No2 (https://blogfonts.com/gillius-adf-no2.font)
Compile with latexmk
(there is a .latexmkrc
latexmk thesis.tex -pdf
or use ninja:
ninja thesis.pdf
Copyright 2017–2021 by Daniel Bauer.
This template uses a modified version of the original tufte-latex template which was published under the Apache 2.0 License, so this work will also use it.