
Load various datasets in Python for computer vision purposes

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Load various datasets in Python


This repo contains pydatset, a package for loading (and eventually augmenting) datasets in python, you can check the source of each function into their pydocs. Currently supported datasets are:

Pull requests are welcome!!!



Get pip and run:

pip install git+git://github.com/dnlcrl/PyDatSet.git


Download the required dataset (e.g. cifar10 ) and call the respective load(path) function, for example:

$ python
>>> from pydatset import cifar10
>>> data = cifar10.load('path/to/cifaf10')

Apply data augmentation to a given batch by doing something like:

>>> from pydatset.data_augmentation import (random_contrast, random_flips,
...                                          random_crops, random_rotate,
...                                          random_tint)
>>> batch = random_tint(batch)
>>> batch = random_contrast(batch)
>>> batch = random_flips(batch)
>>> batch = random_rotate(batch, 10)
>>> batch = random_crops(batch, (32, 32), pad=2)

check pydatset/README.md for more infos about the package contents.