
Code for Vue Mastery's Intro to Vue 3 course:

Primary LanguageCSS


data - used for storing known dynamic values
computed - used for computing dynamic values based on known dynamic values — can additionally specify a setter by specifying get and set functions — the setter will update other dynamic values when the computed value changes
watch - used for performing functionality when a specified dynamic value changes
methods - used for storing instance methods to be used throughout the app

Install Vue

npm init vue@3

Javascript Expression

<h1>{{ product }}</h1>

<p>{{ firstName + ' ' + lastName}}</p>

<span>{{ clicked ? true : false }}</span>

<div>{{ message.method() }}</div>

Computed properties

  • js
const app = new Vue({
    languageLevel: function(){
      if (this.hoursStudied < 100){
        return 'Beginner';
      } else if(this.hoursStudied < 1000){
        return 'Intermediate';
      } else {
        return 'Expert';

  • html
<div id="app">
  <p> You have studied for {{hoursStudied}} hours. You have {{languageLevel}}-level mastery.</p>

  • html
          <legend>Purchase Agreement</legend>
          <p>I, {{fullName}}, wish to buy {{ ticketDescription }} tickets. I understand that all ticket sales are final.</p>
          <input type="checkbox" name="agreement" id="agree">
          <label for="agree">I Agree</label>
  • js
const app = new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    firstName: 'First',
    lastName: 'Last',
    email: '',
    ticketQuantity: 1,
    ticketType: 'general',
    referrals: [],
    specialRequests: '',
    purchaseAgreementSigned: false
      if(this.firstName && this.lastName){
        return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;
      } else {
        return this.firstName || this.lastName;
      let readableTicketType = 'General Admission';
      if(this.ticketType === 'vip'){
        readableTicketType = 'VIP';

      let ticketPluralization = 'tickets';
      if(this.ticketQuantity === 1){
        ticketPluralization = 'ticket';

      return this.ticketQuantity + ' ' + readableTicketType + ' ' + ticketPluralization;

Computed Property Setters

update the necessary data values if a computed value ever changes

  • html
<div id=“app”>
  <p>You have studied for {{ hoursStudied }} hours. You have {{ languageLevel }}-level mastery.</p>
  <span>Change Level:</span>
  <select v-model="languageLevel">
  • js
const app = new Vue({
  data: {
    hoursStudied: 274
      get: function(){
        if(this.hoursStudied < 100){
          return 'Beginner';
        } else if (this.hoursStudied < 1000) {
          return 'Intermediate';
        } else {
          return 'Expert';
      set: function(newLanguageLevel){
        if(newLanguageLevel === 'Beginner'){
          this.hoursStudied = 0;
        } else if(newLanguageLevel === 'Intermediate'){
          this.hoursStudied = 100;
        } else if(newLanguageLevel === 'Expert'){
          this.hoursStudied = 1000;



computed value will only recompute when a dynamic value used inside of its getter function changes. For example, in our previous examples languageLevel would only be recomputed if hoursStudied changed. But what do we do if we want to make app updates without explicitly using a value in a computed function? We use the watch property.

const app = new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    currentLanguage: 'Spanish',
    supportedLanguages: ['Spanish', 'Italian', 'Arabic'],
    hoursStudied: 274
  watch: {
    currentLanguage: function (newCurrentLanguage, oldCurrentLanguage) {
      if (supportedLanguages.includes(newCurrentLanguage)) {
        this.hoursStudied = 0;
      } else {
        this.currentLanguage = oldCurrentLanguage;

Instance Method


<button v-on:click="resetProgress">Reset Progress</button>


const app = new Vue({
  data: {
    hoursStudied: 300
  methods: {
    resetProgress: function(){
      this.hoursStudied = 0;