
My dotfiles

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These are my dotfiles. There are many like them, but these are mine.

Since dotfiles are very personal, I would not recommend just installing mine. Take a look and get inspiration, but there are better places to start off from. (such as the repo this one is forked from) I do recommend checking out my preset for BetterTouchTool! It is an extension to AquaTouch by @yuuiko, which I also highly recommend. My BTT setup basically makes my computer unusable for anyone other than myself, which can certainly cause situations like this:

If used with software that could keep up, a scroll wheel mapped to send a stream of 'undo' and 'redo' events could be kind of cool. xkcd (#1806)

Table of Contents generated with DocToc


Warning: If you want to give these dotfiles a try, you should first fork this repository ✔️ , review the code, and remove things you don’t want or need. Don’t blindly use my settings unless you know what that entails. Use at your own risk!

Using Git and the bootstrap script

You can clone the repository wherever you want. (I like to keep it in ~/.dotfiles) The bootstrapper script will pull in the latest version and copy the files to your home folder.

git clone https://github.com/dnnsmnstrr/dotfiles.git && cd .dotfiles && ./install

Oh My Zsh

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh)"

Specify the $PATH

If ~/.path exists, it will be sourced along with the other files, before any feature testing (such as detecting which version of ls is being used) takes place.

Here’s an example ~/.path file that adds /usr/local/bin to the $PATH:

export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"

Add custom commands without creating a new fork

If ~/.extra exists, it will be sourced along with the other files. You can use this to add a few custom commands without the need to fork this entire repository, or to add commands you don’t want to commit to a public repository.

My ~/.extra looks something like this:

# Git credentials
# Not in the repository, to prevent people from accidentally committing under my name
GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="Dennis Muensterer"
git config --global user.name "$GIT_AUTHOR_NAME"
git config --global user.email "$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL"

You could also use ~/.extra to override settings, functions and aliases from my dotfiles repository. It’s probably better to fork the repository instead, though.

Sensible macOS defaults

When setting up a new Mac, you may want to set some sensible macOS defaults:


Definitely go through and check each setting before running, this can change some major things!

Install Homebrew formulae

When setting up a new Mac, you may want to install some common Homebrew formulae (after installing Homebrew, of course):



Some of the functionality of these dotfiles depends on formulae installed by brew.sh. If you don’t plan to run brew.sh, you should look carefully through the script and manually install any particularly important ones. A good example is Bash/Git completion: the dotfiles use a special version from Homebrew.


Where I stole ideas got inspiration from.


Suggestions/improvements welcome!

Original Author

Mathias Bynens

Thanks to…