Paraboly React Boilerplate


  1. Clone/download repo
  2. If nvm is not installed , install nvm and type nvm use in command line
  3. run npm install afterwards if it throws error try below command
  4. run npm install --save --legacy-peer-depscommand
  5. If faced node-sass error try run following command npm rebuild node-sass
  6. npm start for start development server.


Command Description
npm run start (alias of npm run start-dev)
npm run start-dev Build app continuously (HMR enabled) and serve @ http://localhost:${env.PORT || 2999}
npm run start-prod Build app once (HMR disabled) to /dist/ and serve @ http://localhost:${env.PORT || 2999}
npm run build Build app to /dist/
npm run test Run tests
npm run lint Run linter
npm run lint --fix Run linter and fix issues

Tech Stack

UI Dependency

DEV Dependency


Boilerplate: React Webpack Babel Starter