
Real world transactions in the years 1993 to 1999 from a Czech bank, modified for loading into Teradata.


Real world transactions in the years 1993 to 1998 from a Czech bank, modified for loading into Teradata.

Some modifications done to make the data look more up-to-date:

  1. 20 years were added to each date resulting in a date range from 2003 to 2018
  2. Amounts (in Czech Crowns) were divided by 10, now they look similar to current $ or € amounts.
  3. Czech descriptions are translated to English abbreviations, e.g. VYBER KARTOU = credit card withdrawal= CCW (see column comments for actual values).

Based on the Financial Data Set from PKDD'99 Discovery Challenge.. This data was prepared by Petr Berka and Marta Sochorova.

All files contain tab-delimited data:

(4500 objects in the file fin_account.tsv) - each record describes static characteristics of an account,
(5369 objects in the file fin_client.tsv) - each record describes characteristics of a client,
(5369 objects in the file fin_disp.tsv) - each record relates together a client with an account,
(6471 objects in the file fin_order.tsv) - each record describes characteristics of a payment order,
(1056320 objects in the file fin_trans.tsv) - each record describes one transaction on an account,
(682 objects in the file fin_loan.tsv) - each record describes a loan granted for a given account,
(892 objects in the file fin_card.tsv) - each record describes a credit card issued to an account,
(77 objects in the file fin_district.tsv) - each record describes demographic characteristics of a district.


  1. BTEQ must be installed on your client.

  2. The load user needs the CREATE TABLE right in the target database.

Installing using a Windows client

  1. Download financial_db_Teradata.zip and extract the zip file to a folder, e.g. C:\Samples\financial_db_Teradata.

  2. Modify the file fin_install.btq to match your target system. Optionally modify the database name.

  3. Open a cmd (or PowerShell) window, change to the folder and run the file using BTEQ:

cd C:\Samples\C:\Samples\financial_db_Teradata
bteq < fin_install.btq > fin_install.log

Installing using a Linux client

  1. Download financial_db_Teradata.zip and extract the zip file to a folder, e.g. ~/Samples/financial_db_Teradata.

  2. Modify the file fin_install.btq to match your target system. Optionally modify the database name.

  3. Open a terminal window, change to the folder and run the file using BTEQ:

cd ~/Samples/financial_db_Teradata
bteq < fin_install.btq > fin_install.log

Checking for successful installation

The script should finish in a few minutes.

If there's an error message returned check the fin_install.log the failing step.


Before re-running the install script the tables must be dropped in a specific order due to the FK constraints

   DROP TABLE fin_card;
   DROP TABLE fin_loan;
   DROP TABLE fin_order;
   DROP TABLE fin_trans;
   DROP TABLE fin_disp;
   DROP TABLE fin_client;
   DROP TABLE fin_account;
   DROP TABLE fin_district;