Parts and footprints used in DNOTQ designs.

To set up the library:

  • Clone the repository to whereever you want on your system.
  • Start KiCAD, select Preferences -> Configure Paths
  • Create a new Environment Variable called DNOTQLIB and set the path to where you cloned the repository:

Environment Variable Setup

  • Select Preferences -> Manage Symbol Libraries...
  • Click the + icon "Add empty row to table", then:
    • Check the Active checkbox
    • For the "Nickname" enter dnotq_library
    • For the "Library Path" enter ${DNOTQLIB}/library/dnotq_kicad_library.kicad_sym
    • For the "Library Format" select KiCad
    • For the "Description" enter DNOTQ Symbols

Manage Symbol Libraries

Setting up the footprints is the same process as the symbols:

  • Select Preferences -> Manage Footprint Libraries...
  • Click the + icon "Add empty row to table", then:
    • Check the Active checkbox
    • For the "Nickname" enter dnotq_footprint
    • For the "Library Path" enter ${DNOTQLIB}/dnotq.pretty
    • For the "Library Format" select KiCad
    • For the "Description" enter DNOTQ Footprints

Manage Footprint Libraries

All models for footprints use the ${DNOTQLIB} environment variable prefix, so all previews of boards using these parts should "just work" as expected.

Footprint Properties 3D Model

Symbols and footprints from the libarary will use the dnotq_library and dnotq_footprint nicknames set in the steps above. This allows the entire library to be located or moved anywhere by simply changing the one ${DNOTQLIB} environment variable.

Symbol and footprint use library nicknames