
LaravelCP Support Package

Primary LanguagePHP


Example Package for LaravelCP

This is an basic ticket system example for LaravelCP. It is intended to showcase how you can extend LaravelCP.


  • E-mail import per department (with spam filter)
  • Auto escalations
  • Control over departments and notifications

Please note there is no client interface at this time. Clients can e-mail your support department email (if configured) to create tickets.

Add to your composer.json

  "gcphost/l4cp-support": "dev-master",


  composer update

Edit your app/config/app.php

Add the the provider:


Add to the alias:

  'Support'	=>	'Gcphost\L4cpSupport\Helpers\Support',
  'Filter' => 'Rtablada\Profane\Facades\Filter',

Dump auto load

 composer dump-autoload

Migrate & seed the database:

 php artisan migrate --path="vendor/gcphost/l4cp-support/src/database/migrations"
 php artisan db:seed --class=SupportSeeder

Run the installer

  • Once installed run the install page from your browser
  • admin/support/install
  • this will install/update the configuration settings.
  • define your email settings in Settings > Support