
Convert text into emojis for big text in Slack

Primary LanguageElixir


That was huge

A tool to very easily convert text into letter emojis for writing giant text in Slack.

Using BigText

You can install BigText by running the following command in your terminal:

sudo curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/bigtext https://github.com/dnsbty/big_text/releases/download/latest/big_text ; sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/bigtext

After installing, you can then convert any text you want by running

bigtext your text here

The text will be converted and printed out, and if you have pbcopy in your path, it will also be copied to your clipboard.

If you would like jankier text (using :invisible_parrot: instead of four spaces to replace spaces), just add the jank flag:

bigtext janky text --jank


BigText is written as an Escript in Elixir. In order to run it, you will need to have Elixir and Erlang installed.


To build BigText, run

mix escript.build

You can then run BigText with

./big_text whatever you want to convert