
Demo dashboard & job for MQTT events published in your smart home. Reference article in iX 04/2018.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dashing with MQTT

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Support
  3. License
  4. Requirements
  5. Installation
  6. Configuration
  7. Run
  8. Authors
  9. Troubleshooting


Dashing is a Sinatra based framework that lets you build beautiful dashboards.

You can put your important infrastructure stats and metrics on your office dashboard. Data can be pulled with custom jobs or pushed via REST API. You can re-arrange widgets via drag&drop. Possible integrations include Icinga, Grafana, ticket systems such as RT or OTRS, sensors, weather, schedules, etc. -- literally anything which can be presented as counter or list.

MQTT Dashboard

The MQTT dashboard is built on top of Dashing and connects to an MQTT broker fetching specific events. These updates are sent to the MQTT dashboards.

This dashboard and many other insights into MQTT and IoT can be found in iX 04/2018.

Dashing MQTT


This is a demo playground with jobs, widgets and dashboards. You can use and modify them for your own needs.

Keep in mind that the authors of this project can not support your own modifications or help you with advanced Ruby, etc. implementations. You can learn from this project's history.

If you have any questions, please hop onto https://monitoring-portal.org



  • Ruby, Gems and Bundler
  • Dashing Gem
  • MQTT broker, e.g. Mosquitto

Supported browsers and clients:

  • Linux, Unix, *Pi
  • Chrome, Firefox, Safari

Windows is not supported.


Either clone this repository from GitHub or download the tarball.

Git clone:

cd /usr/share
git clone https://github.com/dnsmichi/dashing-mqtt.git
cd dashing-mqtt

Tarball download:

cd /usr/share
wget https://github.com/dnsmichi/dashing-mqtt/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
mv dashing-mqtt-master dashing-mqtt
cd dashing-mqtt


RedHat/CentOS 7 (requires EPEL repository):

yum makecache
yum -y install epel-release
yum -y install rubygems rubygem-bundler ruby-devel openssl gcc-c++ make nodejs

Note: The development tools and header files are required for building the eventmachine gem.


apt-get update
apt-get -y install ruby bundler nodejs

Proceed with the bundler gem installation for all systems (CentOS, Debian, etc.).

gem install bundler

In case the installation takes quite long and you do not need any documentation, add the --no-document flags.

Install the dependencies using Bundler.

cd /usr/share/dashing-mqtt

Proceed to the configuration section.

Unix and macOS

On macOS OpenSSL was deprecated, therefore you'll need to fix the eventmachine gem:

brew install openssl
bundle config build.eventmachine --with-cppflags=-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include
bundle install --path binpaths

Note: Dashing is running inside thin server which by default uses epoll from within the eventmachine library. This is not available on Unix based systems, you can safely ignore this warning:

warning: epoll is not supported on this platform

Proceed to the configuration section.


Edit jobs/mqtt.rb and set the MQTT broker details. You also need to update the topic-to-data-id mapping.

These data-id values are the ones which are referenced in the dashboard widgets in dashboards/mqtt.erb. Edit/update this file for your own needs.

vim jobs/mqtt.rb

# Set your MQTT server
MQTT_SERVER = 'mqtt://icinga2-iot'
# Set the MQTT topics you're interested in and the tag (data-id) to send for dashing events
  '/sensor/hallway/doorbell/battery' => 'hallway-doorbell-battery',
  '/sensor/living-room/temp/battery' => 'living-room-temp-battery',
  '/sensor/living-room/temp/degrees' => 'living-room-temp-degrees',
  '/sensor/bed-room/temp/degrees' => 'bed-room-temp-degrees',


Systemd Service

Install the provided Systemd service file from tools/systemd. It assumes that the working directory is /usr/share/dashing-mqtt and the Dashing gem is installed to /usr/local/bin/dashing. Adopt these paths for your own needs.

cp tools/systemd/dashing-mqtt.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start dashing-mqtt.service
systemctl status dashing-mqtt.service


You can start dashing as daemon by using this script:


Additional options are available through ./restart-dashing -h.

Navigate to http://localhost:8006


You can run Dashing in foreground for tests and debugging too:

export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
dashing start -p 8006



Please add these details when you are asking a question on the community channels.

Required Information

  • Dashing version (gem list --local dashing)
  • Ruby version (ruby -V)
  • Version of this project (tarball name, download date, tag name or git show -1)
  • Your own modifications to this project, if any

Widgets are not updated

  • Open your browser's development console and check for errors.
  • Ensure that the job runner does not log any errors.
  • Stop the dashing daemon and run it in foreground.

Connection Errors

  • Manually test the MQTT broker
  • Modify the jobs/mqtt.rb and add additional logging (use puts similar to existing examples)
  • Run Dashing in foreground

Misc Errors

  • Port 8006 is not reachable. Ensure that the firewall rules are setup accordingly.