
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repo documents how to use fastdup to clean and curate a visual dataset, DVC to version data, and fastai to train a model.

Project Structure

data/ - Stores the train, validation and test images. Tracked by DVC.

models/ - Stores the model trained with fastai. Tracked by DVC.

fastdup_report - Stores the artifacts from running fastdup. Tracked by Git.


DVC versions the data and model produced and syncs them a Google Drive folder.

Initialize dvc repo

dvc init

Add data to watch

dvc add data/
dvc add models/

Add remote Google Drive

dvc remote add -d visuallayergdrive gdrive://1u3nWN53Tp1ZqDEc5VFimu86EjpJ13zrk

Checkout dataset

git checkout <..>
dvc checkout

Push dataset

dvc push