
Create a Pokedex using the PokeAPI + Express [express, node, sql]

Primary LanguageHTML

Express Pokedex

Working with databases, especially through ORMs, can present quite a learning curve. We'll start by incorporating one database model into an application to save favorite Pokemon.

Backstory: Pokemon

If you're not familiar with Pokemon, Pokemon is a franchise/universe created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1995. It's a famous franchise in both the US and Japan. Fun facts:

  • Pokemon is short for "Pocket Monsters"
  • The Pokemon universe extends to games, trading cards, and TV
  • The Pokemon Company is headquartered in Bellevue, WA.

Pikachu Image

Getting Started

We'll be using an existing application that uses the PokeAPI, a Pokemon API that allows us to get a list of Pokemon.

  • Fork and clone this repository
  • Run npm install to install dependencies
    • Use nodemon to start the server
    • Use npm run lint:js to lint your JS
    • Use npm run lint:css to lint your CSS

Read the Code

  • After setup, STOP. You're using an existing application, so make sure to read the code and ensure what the application does. Some questions you may want to ask yourself:
    • How does the app retrieve a list of Pokemon?
    • How many Pokemon does the API call retrieve? Why that many?
    • What are the routes defined in the application?
    • Try adding a Pokemon to your favorites.
      • How is this data being submitted?
      • What will you have to do to save this data to a database?
      • What will you have to do to display favorite Pokemon?

User Stories

  • As a user, I want to select my favorite Pokemon and add them to a list of favorites.
  • As a user, once I add a Pokemon to my list of favorites, I want to be redirected to my favorites page.


Part 1: Setup Sequelize

Your first step will be adding Sequelize to this project. Refer back to the notes on how to install, initialize, and configure Sequelize, as well as create a database that Sequelize can connect to.

Part 2: Create a Pokemon Model

Your second step will involve creating a Sequelize model to store favorite Pokemon. It's recommended that you name this model pokemon. It will only store one attribute, the Pokemon's name.

Once this model has been created, run the migration for the model and test the model's functionality. This can be done in a separate file. An example:


var db = require('./models');

  name: 'Pikachu'
}).then(function(newPokemon) {

Be sure to also test querying Pokemon.

Part 3: Integrating the model with the app

You'll want to add functionality to the following routes by incorporating the pokemon model you created.

  • GET /pokemon
    • View: views/pokemon/index.ejs
    • Purpose: Retrieve all Pokemon and display them on the page (findAll)
  • POST /pokemon
    • View: none (redirect to /pokemon)
    • Purpose: Creates a new Pokemon (create) and redirects back to /pokemon

Part 4: Styling

When finished with the above, style the application appropriately with CSS.


  • Add the ability to DELETE Pokemon from the favorites list.
  • For each Pokemon on the favorites page, create a show page to display additional information about that Pokemon.
    • You'll need to create an additional route.
    • You can get detailed information about a Pokemon by passing the Pokemon's name to PokeAPI. You can retrieve images, abilities, stats, and moves through the API.
    • Example: http://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/bulbasaur/