#Link Shortener
A link shortener is a tool that takes a long URL and shortens it. WOW!! MAGIC!!
Link shorteners are especially useful for sites like Twitter where you have a limit on how many characters you are allowed to type.
The purpose of a link shortener is to take a long url like this
and turn it in to something like this...
####Popular Link Shorteners
Note that a link shortener utilizes a common data structure called a map. Maps are a mathematical idea that "map" items between two sets, similar to objects in JavaScript.
Example Map
google -> http://www.google.com
shortysbelltown -> https://www.google.com/maps/place/Shorty's....
Using the idea of shortening links by mapping a shorter word to a longer URL, let's create a link shortener!
NOTE: For this assignment, fork and clone this repository your computer, and run npm init
in the folder to being the project.
##User Experience
###User 1 - URL creator
Description: Anyone that needs to shorten a URL.
Usage: User should be able to come to the site, enter a url, click submit (or press enter) and receive a shortened url that they can share.
Example: I go to the link shortener's home page, and there's a form to enter a link to be shortened. Once I enter the link and click "Submit", I'm redirected to a page with my shortened link.
###User 2 - URL recipient
Description: Anyone that receives a shared URL (from user 1)
Usage: User should be redirected to the original URL used to create the shortened url.
Example: I receive a shortened link for http://localhost:3000/shortysbelltown
. When I go to that link, I should be redirected to the Google Street View page that displays Shorty's.
##Site Routes
Verb | URL | Purpose | Description |
GET | / | Home page | Contains a simple form where a user can enter a URL and get a short url |
POST | /links | Create Link | Accepts data from the form. Stores the url in the database and redirects to the show route. |
GET | /links/:id | Show Link | Displays the short url of the specified id (so the user can copy / share it) |
GET | /:hash | Redirect | Takes a hash and redirects the user to the url stored in the database. |
##Database Model
This should only require 1 database model called "links" which can contain 3 columns id, url, hash.
Optional bonus Try using only 2 columns (id and url), while still using a hash. You'll need to perform a migration in order to remove the hash column.
##Suggested Process
###Set up project / express
- create project directory
- npm init
- Install web server stuff with npm, like express, ejs, body-parser
- Setup a basic express server
- Build all pages / routes
###Add database
- Install database stuff (npm): pg pg-hstore sequelize
- Create the database
- Initialize sequelize
- Change database configuration
- Create migration for a new model
- Run migration
- Test model (try to create/find links using the Node console, or a separate test file)
###Put it together
Remember that "hash" we mentioned? We can generate a unique id from a number by using the hashids
module. Note that hashes can be maps as well. hashids
provides a function that maps each number to a generated string, which requires a salt in order to provide variability.
- Install hashing module (npm): hashids
- Add code in to your previously created routes so they interact with the database and generate hashes (draw the rest of the owl).
Keep track of how many times the shortened url is used. To do this you'll just need to add another column count:Integer
to the links table and increment it every time someone is redirected to that url. This will require a migration.
Additionally, add a count to the Show page... eg: "This link has been clicked X times."
Create a link index GET /links
that lists all links in the database sorted by the click count (most popular links on top).