
Contigo - Crowdsourced Ride-sharing

Primary LanguageRuby

#Contigo a Full Stack Rails App!

##About ConTigo is a a social ride-share service in which commuters of Lyft and Uber can see if others nearby might be going the same way. Save money, make connections! ConTigo, born from the powerful combination of an empty wallet and love of convenience, is the brain child and full stack Rails application built by Navya Lakkaraju, Derek Nuzum, Cassandra Aguiar, and Jonathan Stevenson.

##Technologies used

  • HTML5/CSS3
  • SASS
  • Javascript
  • PostgreSQL
  • Git/Github and Heroku
  • Bootstrap
  • JQuery
  • Google Maps API
  • Facebook API
  • Lyft and Uber API
  • ActiveMailer (part of Rails)
  • MailGun (for mailers)
  • gmaps4rails(gem)
  • OmniAuth
  • Logo Pop (Creating our logo)
  • Trello, Slack, GroupMe (for communication)


  • Brainstormed potential ideas, finalized one.
  • Drew up wireframes of and database schema
  • Assign group members areas of focus, ie: front end, back end, and focuses within each area
  • Outline of daily goals, frequently meet up throughout process, and partner up for difficult tasks, communicated in person and via app(s) when remote coding
    • Build basic app, views, routes, styling
    • Implemented Facebook OAuth
    • Research and implemented Mailer
    • Research and implemented Goole Maps
    • Research and implemented Lyft and Uber API
    • Constant styling adjustments and testing
    • Full group reviewed site for all error catching, and minor styling adjustments

##Installation Instructions

    Bundle Install
    Rails S (foreman run rails s)

##User stories

Who are our users, what do they want, and why?

Our users are persons who use; any public transit, a phone, and wants to save money. Pretty much EVERYONE! Our users want a way to save money on their commutes by ride sharing. Why... saving money is dope y'all.

  • As a user, I want to be able to find those who are also traveling to my location(s).
  • As a user, I want to easily contact those with whom I have previously shared rides.
  • As a user, I want to easily see/edit a list of my frequent/ favorite locations.
  • As a user, I want the ride share to be easy to use.
  • As a user, I want to send messages, or otherwise connect with, those traveling to my location(s).
  • As a user, I want to to see my location, as well as any rideshares occurring around me, on a map.
  • As a user, I want to choose between the ride options (Uber and Lyft).
  • As a consumer, I want a ride that is both the cheapest and most convenient among my options (e.g- bus, Lyft, Taxi, Uber, ferry).


Learning Experiences and Ideas for Future Development

  • Back end hurdles: geocoding application
  • Front end hurdles: margins and keeping site as responsive as possible at all views
  • If we had more time: Implement SMS messaging service to connect users -