Traffic Generator

The tool generates a structured set of encounters for verifying automatic collision and grounding avoidance systems. Based on input parameters such as desired situation, relative speed, relative bearing etc, the tool will generate a set of traffic situations. The traffic situations may be written to files and/or inspected using plots.

A paper is written describing the background for the tool and how it works [paper]


After you clone this repository, trafficgen can then be installed with the following steps:

$ cd ship_traffic_generator

It is recommended to install the trafficgen package and it's dependencies in a separate Python environment (Anaconda, pyenv, or virtualenv). trafficgen requires Python 3.10 or higher.

In Anaconda this can be done with:

$ conda create --name myenv python=3.10
$ conda activate myenv

In Powershell terminal with venv (also from VSCode), this can be done with:

$ python -m venv .venv
$ .venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1

Then update pip/setuptools, and install the dependencies for this repo:

$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
$ pip install -e .

This will install the trafficgen Python package and command line tool (cli). You can check your installation by running:

$ trafficgen --help

For more information on usage, run:

$ trafficgen gen-situation --help

or build the documentation (see below).

Development & Documentation

For development (dependency management, documentation and testing) it is recommended to use Poetry. See Poetry's documentation for information of how to install and set up.

See above notes about creating and using a virtual environment. To install the package, including dev and doc dependencies:

$ cd ship_traffic_generator
$ poetry install
$ poetry install --with dev,docs

which will install the package, the cli and all development and documentation dependencies.

You can check your installation with:

$ trafficgen --help


$ trafficgen gen-situation --help

Note: You may have to restart your terminal (or update the path) for the command line command to work, or use the Poetry shell (poetry shell) to correct the search path.

Testing in the project is done using pytest and the format of the code is checked with flake8. You can run the tests and check formating with tox:

$ tox run

To generate documentation do:

$ cd docs
$ sphinx-build -M html . build

The html documentation will then be available in docs/build/html/index.html


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.