
A repo to manage the downloaded resources from huggingface including model shards and dataset splits, with some scripts to add new resources, get meta info, view the resource structure, etc

Primary LanguagePython


A repo to manage the downloaded resources from huggingface including model shards and dataset splits, with some scripts to add new resources, get meta info, view the resource structure, etc

(assuming your work-dir is hf-downloader/ right now)


  • Above all, make sure your local machine can access to huggingface by simply pinging huggingface below (If not, get a VPN and try again):

    ping huggingface.co/
  • Creat the .env file to set some specific environment variables, which needs the python package dotenv installed by pip below:

    pip install -U python-dotenv
  • Set the root directory to put all the models and datasets in .env like:

  • Set the mirror address for huggingface model/dataset hub in .env like:

  • The official tool huggingface_hub is adopted to download the raw files from huggingface, which can be installed by pip as below:

    pip install -U huggingface_hub
  • For faster download, there's another Rust-based tool hf_transfer to maximize the bandwidth used by dividing large files into smaller parts and transferring them simultaneously using multiple threads, but it lacks several user-friendly features such as resumable downloads and proxies, and sometimes it 's not as stable as the native from_pretrained single-thread way especially when your access to huggingface is not directly allowed. If you are running on a machine with high bandwidth to directly access to huggingface, you can increase your download speed with it by simply installing with pip and set the environment variable in the .env as below:

    pip install -U hf-transfer
  • To perminently store the resources, we've already kept the argument for the huggingface_hub functions local_dir_use_symlinks=False in the source code to disable the symlinks from the cache system

Download model(s):

  • To download a model, you only have to:

    • step1: search the huggingface model hub for the model name source/to/model_name you want
    • step2: pick the directory path/to/save_dir you want to save it relative to the root directory HF_MODEL_ROOT set in the .env as an enviromental variable:
    • step3: then simply run the command below, and you can wait until the model is successfully downloaded to the directory HF_MODEL_ROOT/path/to/save_dir/source/to/model_name and logged into ./log/model_downloaded.json:
      python src/download_model.py --model_name `source/to/model_name` --save_dir `path/to/save_dir`
    • you can also refer to the more arguments usage in the demo scripts like script/demo_download_xxx.sh
    • and the model config template can be found in config/model_config_template.json
  • To download a bunch of models sequentially in one go, you only have to:

    • step1: encode the arguments you learned above into a dict-like config and append to the list in ./config/model_todownload.json for each model you want to download
    • step2: then simply run the command below, and you can patiently wait until the models are all successfully downloaded to the corresponding directories and logged into ./log/model_downloaded.json:
      python src/download_model.py --from_config
  • (Easiest) Or you can use the most stable pipeline script ./script/model_download_pipe.sh, and the few variables you need to set are (taking chatglm3-6b-128k as an example), then you can just run the script to download all of the necessary files of the model you want from the hf hub:


Download dataset(s):

  • To download a dataset:

Convert any model to Safetensors and open a PR
