
🎲 Secret Number Guessing Game

Welcome to the Number Guessing Game! 🚀 Challenge your luck and guessing skills by trying to guess the secret number. 🤔

🛠️ Getting Started


To play this game, you'll need:

  • A C++ compiler (e.g., g++, Visual C++)
  • CMake (optional, for building)

🌟 Features

  • 🎁 Randomly generated secret numbers.
  • 🚀 Error handling for invalid input.
  • 🔄 Option to play again or gracefully exit.

🙌 Contributing

We welcome contributions from the open-source community, especially beginners! If you'd like to contribute to this project for Hacktoberfest or any other time, here's how:

  1. Fork this Repository

  2. Create a New Branch

    git checkout -b my-feature
  3. Make Your Awesome Changes

    • Enhance the game, squash bugs, or improve the code.
    • Don't forget to add comments to explain your genius!
  4. Push Your Changes

    git push origin my-feature
  5. Create a Pull Request (PR)

    • Describe your changes and share your brilliance with us! 🌠

🙏 Acknowledgments

This project was born out of a love for coding and a desire to make learning C++ fun! Enjoy the game and let the guessing games begin! 🎉

Feel free to further customize and enhance this README to match the spirit and personality of your project!
Gauri Mathur