
Luxoft Movie

Primary LanguageJava


Your task is to implement RESTful facade backend API with two mock up services:

  •      Movie details service (movie: id, title, description)
  •      Movie comments service (comment: movieId, username, message)  Movie details service and Movie comments service are simple standalone services providing mock up data. You can use any mock server library.  Requirements for the facade:
  •      Endpoint for providing combined movie details and movie comments by movie id (in JSON)
  •      Dummy endpoint for creating movie details. No communication with Movie details service. Endpoint should be authorized with ROLE_ADMIN
  •      Dummy endpoint for creating Comment. No communication with Comments service. Endpoint should be authorized with ROLE_USER
  •      Basic authentication
  •      No user registration required. You can store mocked user data in memory.
  •      Calls to the backend services should be implemented asynchronously
  •      Movie details service responses should be cached with Least Frequently Used strategy
  •      Comments service responses should also be cached but only as fallback. When the backend service is down, comments should be taken from cache.
  •      Implemented with JAVA 8
  •      Should start as a normal java application with embedded servlet container  Things that will be evaluated:

ï Implementation ï REST principles, proper status codes, headers, error responses ï Tests ï Clean code ï Commits

You can use any open source library or framework you wish. Please create an open repository on github and send us the link with your final implementation. GOOD LUCK!