Window Selectable Plus


RPG Maker XP has a main class for all windows allowing selection: Window_Selectable.

Unfortunately, a lot of useful methods are missing from this class for some reason, and scripters are forced to code them on their own to have dynamic windows.

There is also a Window_Command class that has some of the useful methods that Window_Selectable should have.

I made three scripts to solve these issues.

To use them, place them after the original Window_Selectable and Window_Command (the point is having the new scripts above your other windows). Place them in this order:

  • Window_Selectable 2: this script rewrites some of the methods from Window_Selectable
  • Window_Selectable 3: this script adds new methods for Window_Selectable
  • Window_Command 2: this script disables some methods that have been moved to Window_Selectable.

The idea is that Window_Selectable becomes the true superclass for all windows with selection, while Window_Command is just an easy class to create simple command windows.


  • The use of directional and L/R buttons can be restricted.
  • Commands can be updated, refreshing the window.
  • Commands can be disabled and enabled easier than with the basic system.
  • Any command information can be accessed easily by other classes.
  • Commands and texts are now two separate things. Other objects can be stored in the commands and their name displayed, for example.
  • Text and cursor display are easier to change.
  • Alignment can be changed for commands.


Now, here are a few useful methods that can be used for all selectable windows:

  • row_height: similar to line_height from RPG Maker VX Ace, this sets the height for each command row, independently of the content displayed. It is set at 32 by default.
  • command_display_x: changing the value here (4 by default) changes the margin on the left and right of the command.
  • draw_cursor: the cursor drawing has now its own method that can be easily manipulated.
  • update_dir4: this updates all directional buttons input. It can be deactivated by setting @dir4_inputto false in the initialization of the window.
  • update_triggers: this updates the L and R buttons input. It can be deactivated by setting @trigger_inputto false in the initialization of the window.
  • setup_contents(width, height, padding): this draws the bitmap where all window content is drawn. It has been isolated to manipulate it in some windows where the content is larger than the window. Without any argument, it simply draws the content fitting the window's width and height. It is advised to leave the padding value at 16 unless you know what you're doing.
  • set_commands(commands): this updates the commands in the window and refreshes its content. It allows to update the command list in a dynamic way, something that was heavily missing from the original scripts.
  • set_align(value): this method changes the alignment of all commands. Using 0 (left), 1 (center) or 2 (right), it changes the variable @align and refreshes the window.
  • draw_item(index): this method was originally in Window_Command. It has been moved here and it handles the drawing of a command at the spot given by index. Font color doesn't have to be defined anymore for disabled commands, it is done automatically.
  • command_rect(index): this handles the area where the command will be displayed. It is used when clearing a command text and to draw the cursor.
  • command_text_rect(index): this handles the area where the command text will be displayed. It is the same as the previous method except it uses command_display_x to set a margin. It can be used to move slightly the text, etc.
  • clear_row(index): this is only useful if you need to clear the area for a command for some reason. The script uses it before drawing a command, avoiding to refresh the whole window for just one command.
  • command(index): another extremely useful method returning the command for the given index. Without argument, it returns the selected item.
  • command_text(index): this is used to display the text for each command. By default, it is the same than the previous method but it can be used for windows storing anything else than text like actors, skills, items, etc.
  • enable(index): this enables a previously disabled command (see below).
  • disable(index): this disables a command. Instead of only redrawing it grey, the index is stored in an array and the information is kept in case of a refresh.
  • disabled?(index): this returns true or false depending if the given index is disabled or not.

I have been using this for a while and can guarantee faster (and shorter) window coding.