
Since jshint config is a pain in the ass , I'll help you relieve the pain :D

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JS Code Styling

Let's bring some beauty to your messed up project :))

so most javascript developers know about jsint , jscs and eslint but in case you live in a cave or something here's a summary:

  • JSHint is a community-driven tool that detects errors and potential problems in JavaScript code.
  • JSHint is open source and it will stay that way according to their website.
  • It's easily adjustable (many people think otherwise tho)
  • You can costumize it for you own enviorment
  • It supports different Versions of EcmaScript such as es5 and es6

Okay now how we install it

first of all set up your working enviorment if you have VSC or some other ide's install jshint extension it will make life much more easier.

okay now that you have installed the extension let's set up jshint , first run the command:

npm i --save-dev jshint

next step is to create a .jshintrc file with your own configuration or clone it from here and copy it to your project (recomended for fat and lazy or short on time programmers)

but before you start note that you should change the config to fit into your project otherwise it shits all over ide logs.

you can set your your es version in esversion incase your using it else set it to false. checkout the official documentation JSHint/docs


Okay now that you're done with jshint, let's make your ugly a** code look less f***ed up. here is a brief introduction to JSCS

  • JSCS has built-in presets to check your code against. Or you can create your own and share them as npm packages
  • You can lint es6/7 and jsx

okay now let's get to the fun part, install the ide extension (if available), and run this command:

npm i --save-dev jscs

now add the configuration file , you can have jscs to add an standard config or you can set up your own (mine is better tho) clone this repo and copy the .jscsrc to your project folder and your good to go.

#####Note That JSCS easily becomes a pain in the ass if you do not set it up properly

You can check the documentation for the rules and presets JSCSs/rules

Congratulations Your code is now human-readble :)) go buy your self a drink big fella.

and dr.Akbari if you're reading this , it was a joke don't take it personal :)))