
Running application for lasotuvi open source using Django

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mã nguồn mở chương trình an sao Tử vi lasotuvi

This is a wrapper of lasotuvi into django application.

  1. Create virtual environment and activate it
  • pip install virtualenv

  • virtualenv .env

  • If you are *nix users

source .env/bin/activate

  • if you are Window users, just type

.env/Scripts/activate.bat and make sure you are working on command prompt (cmd.exe) not PowerShell

  1. Now you are working on the virtual environment
  • If you do not have Django project, go and install django and lasotuvi applications

pip install django lasotuvi-django

  • If you have django project already, just install the lasotuvi-django application

pip install lasotuvi-django

  1. Add the lasotuvi-django application to your INSTALLED_APPS by adding
# settings.py
    # Your others applications 
  1. Add router to the urls.py
# urls.py
from django.urls import path, include

urlpatterns = [
    # ....
    path('lasotuvi/', include('lasotuvi_django.urls'))

Here is a tutorial to show you how to add lasotuvi app into a django project.


Hope this help!