
Send http request, generate document, mock api server

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Support to send http(s) requests, API document and Http(s) mock server

It's an extension for yaml-scene


  • Create testcases to test APIs
  • Send http(s) requests
  • Create a mock API server
    • Server static file
    • Support upload file then save to server
    • Server RESTFul API data
    • Create APIs which auto handle CRUD data
    • Build router for yourself by code
  • Generate API document


  1. Create dynamic mock API Server
  2. Download youtube mp3 file
  3. Quick upload file to get a share link

Details document

Wiki Pages



  yas add yas-http        # npm install -g yas-http OR yard global add yas-http


Examples scenario files

HTTP Client Request

Send a http request to a server

Send GET request

- yas-http/Get:
    url: http://localhost:3000/posts

Send POST request

- yas-http/Post:
    url: http://localhost:3000/posts
      id: 2
      title: title 2
      author: typicode 2

Send PUT request

- yas-http/Put:
    url: http://localhost:3000/posts/:id
      id: 2
      id: 2
      title: title 2 updated
      author: typicode 2 updated

Send PATCH request

- yas-http/Patch:
    url: http://localhost:3000/posts/:id
      id: 2
      id: 2
      title: title 2 updated
      author: typicode 2 updated

Send DELETE request

- yas-http/Delete:
    url: http://localhost:3000/posts/:id
      id: 2

Send HEAD request

- yas-http/Head:
    url: http://localhost:3000/posts/:id
      id: 2

Send CUSTOM request

- yas-http/Api:
    method: CONNECT
    url: http://localhost:3000/posts

Mock API Server

Create mock API Server without code

Server static file

- yas-http/Server:
    host:                               # Server host
    port: 8000                                  # Server port
    routers:                                    # Defined routes
      - serveIn: 
          - ./assets                            # All of files in list will be served after request to

Support upload file then save to server

- yas-http/Server:
    host:                               # Server host
    port: 8000                                  # Server port
    routers:                                    # Defined routes
      - path: /upload                           # Upload path. Default method is POST
        method: POST                            # Request method (POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, HEAD)
                                                # - Default method is POST
        uploadTo: ./uploadDir                   # Directory includes uploading files

Server RESTFul API data

- yas-http/Server:
    host:                               # Server host
    port: 8000                                  # Server port
    routers:                                    # Defined routes
      - method: GET                             # Request method (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, HEAD) (Default: GET)
        path: /posts/:id                        # Request path
        response:                               # Response data
          status: 200                           # - Response status
          statusMessage: OK                     # - Response status message
          headers:                              # - Response headers
            server: nginx
          data: [                               # - Response data. 
            {                                   #   - Use some variables to replace value to response
              "id": ${+params.id},              # params:  Request params (/:id)
              "title": "title 1",               # headers: Request headers
              "author": "thanh"                 # query:   Request querystring (?name=thanh)
              "des": "des 1",                   # body:    Request body
            }                                   # request: Request
          ]                                     # ctx:     Context

Create APIs which auto handle CRUD data

- yas-http/Server:
    host:                               # Server host
    port: 8000                                  # Server port
    routers:                                    # Defined routes
      - path: '/:model'                         # Use this pattern to use with dynamic model name
        CRUD: true                              # Auto create full RESTful API
        dbFile: ./db.json                       # Store data to file. This make the next time, when server up will load data from the file.
                                                # - Empty then it's stateless
        clean: true                             # Clean db before server up
                                                # - GET    /model            : Return list models
                                                # - GET    /model/:id        : Return model details by id
                                                # - POST   /model            : Create a new model
                                                # - PUT    /model/:id        : Replace entity of post to new model
                                                # - PATCH  /model/:id        : Only update some properties of model
                                                # - DELETE /model/:id        : Delete a model by id
        initData: {                             # Init data for dynamic model name (/:model). 
                                                # - Only init data when 
                                                #   + Db file not existed
                                                #   + OR set "cleaned"
                                                #   + OR not set dbFile
          posts: [{                             # When you request /posts, it returns the value
            "id": 1,
            "label": "label 01"
          users: [{                             # When you request /users, it returns the value
            "id": 1,
            "label": "user 01"

Build router for yourself by code

- yas-http/Server:
    host:                               # Server host
    port: 8000                                  # Server port
    routers:                                    # Defined routes
      - method: GET                             # Request method (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, HEAD) (Default: GET)
        path: /posts/:id                        # Request path
        handler: !function |                    # Handle code which handle request and response data
          (globalVars) {                                      
            // this.params: Request params
            // this.headers: Request headers
            // this.query: Request query string
            // this.body: Request body
            // this.request: Request
            // this.ctx: Context (koajs)

            const merge = require('lodash.merge')   
            return merge({                          
              params: this.params.id,                    
              name: this.query.name                      
            }, {                                    
              id: 1

Document to markdown

- yas-http/Doc/MD:
    title: Post service
    description: Demo CRUD API to generate to markdown document
    signature: "[Doan Thuan Thanh](mailto:doanthuanthanh88@gmail.com)"
    outFile: ./ApiMD.md

Add doc in the yas-http/Get... to export to document

- yas-http/Get:
    doc: true
- yas-http/Delete:
      tags: [POST]

API request summary

Collect information of http(s) calls

  title: Testing result