
Simple way to build a lot of Erlang on a single machine

BEAM Machine

This is a Drone CI configuration file that allows me to build "Universal" Erlang/OTP releases for MacOS and Linux.

  • MacOS releases use the lipo tool to combine x86_64 and aarch64 binaries into one (Fat Binaries).
  • Linux releases are patched using patchelf --set-interpreter ... to point to a well-known musl libc location that Burrito automatically unpacks before launching Erlang.

I Just Want The Builds


What can it build?

Erlang, OpenSSL, and NCurses totalling into a full static ERTS release. (Excluding wx!) for the following platforms:

  • Linux (CPUs: x86_64, aarch64) with musl libc and patched .interp section.
  • MacOS (CPUs: x86_64, aarch64) fat binaries.

Currently supports OTP OTP-23.3 and onward.