
Show information about the currently playing song on a QMK-keyboard's OLED display

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

PRs Welcome

QMK - Now Playing 🎵

Show information and album art for the currently playing song on the OLED screen of your QMK keyboard IMG_20220814_150825-01

This project allows for information about the currently playing song to be shown on a QMK keyboard's OLED display.

It is currently untested on Windows but is unlikely to work due to dependence on MPRIS2-compatible media players. Pull Requests are welcome to extend support though

The code in this repo is currently in a pretty hacky state as it serves as a demonstration of the capabilities of the qmk-oled-api repository.


Currently no packaging has been setup. Run the project via cargo run after setting the path to your device (/dev/hidrawX where X is some number). You will need to configure your keyboard as a qmk-oled-api client. An example of how to do so can be found in the README of the qmk-oled-api repository

pre-built binaries are available in releases