
Dobri Next - 23 colorful and meticulous dark theme and 2 Icons pack


Dobri Next Pro ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

23 colorful and meticulous dark theme

2 Icons packs with Vivid colors.

7 Border Hacks


Qt. Description
9 dark background variants with Vivid colors
2 dark backgrounds variant Inpired Linux GTK themes
3 Hard/Medium/Soft background variants
9 More famous dark themes of VSCode marketplace with vivid colors
2 Icons packs
7 Border Hacks to add in your settings


Date Description
2017/08/07 add color to active tab border bottom
2017/06/26 fix colors of Darcula theme (is 99% like WebStorm and PhpStorm by Intellij)
2017/07/21 🖼 Border Hacks - See how todo
2017/07/21 Arc Dark and Adapta Nokto, 2 new backgrounds variant Inpired Linux GTK themes
2017/07/15 New Icons pack - Official Icons
2017/07/13 New Black background variant
2017/07/12 New Midnight background variant
2017/07/02 New Oxford background variant
2017/06/28 New Jaguar background and Theme Eve
2017/06/25 I have reduced, ordered and standardized the names of themes and icons
2017/06/25 added new Bunker background variants and Darcula variants and screeshots
2017/06/23 Changed GunMetal background variants to Mirage background variants and screeshots
2017/06/21 added new Cobalt background variants and GunMetal variants and others screeshots
2017/06/20 added new DARK background variants
2017/06/18 added more 3 new background variants
2017/06/15 added more 2 themes with vivid colors
2017/06/14 added 3 new themes with vivid colors
2017/06/10 2 themes with new colors

🖼 You can customize your active Visual Studio Code color border.

Add this in you setting.

  "workbench.colorCustomizations": {
    // Border separating the title bar from the rest of the editor
    "titleBar.border": "#18222D",
    // Border color to separate Tabs from each other
    "tab.border": "#18222D",
    // Border color on the top separating to the editor (terminal)
    "panel.border": "#18222D",
    // Border color on the side separating the editor
    "sideBar.border": "#18222D",
    // Border color with the Side Bar
    "activityBar.border": "#18222D",
    // Border color separating the Status Bar and editor
    "statusBar.border": "#18222D",
    // Border color to separate multiple editor groups from each other
    "editorGroup.border": "#18222D",
    // Border color of the editor group title header when tabs are enabled
    "editorGroupHeader.tabsBorder": "#18222D"

Each title of each theme contains the border color suggestion

My Next Colors with Operator Mono Font

Dobri Next -A00- Black

  • Border color suggestion: #18222D Black

Dobri Next -A01- Dark

  • Border color suggestion: #18222D Dark

Dobri Next -A02- Bunker

  • Border color suggestion: #18222D Bunker

Dobri Next -A03- Mirage

  • Border color suggestion: #2E333E Mirage

Dobri Next -A04- Cobalt

  • Border color suggestion: #14344B Cobalt

Dobri Next -A05- Jaguar

  • Border color suggestion: #050070 Jaguar

Dobri Next -A06- Amethyst

  • Border color suggestion: #3F005B Amethyst

Dobri Next -A07- Oxford

  • Border color suggestion: #4B5D66 Oxford

Dobri Next -A08- Midnight

  • Border color suggestion: #3A3D61 Midnight

Dobri Next -A09- Arc Dark

  • Border color suggestion: #5A6174 ArcDark

Dobri Next -A10- Adapta Nokto

  • Border color suggestion: #4B5D66 AdaptaNokto

Dobri Next -B01- Hard

  • Border color suggestion: #18222D Hard

Dobri Next -B02- Medium

  • Border color suggestion: #18222D Medium

Dobri Next -B03- Soft

  • Border color suggestion: #18222D Soft

Dobri Next -C01- Gray

  • Border color suggestion: #2c3e50 Next

Dobri Next -C02- Indigo

  • Border color suggestion: #2c3e50 Indigo

Dobri Next -C03- Cupcake

  • Border color suggestion: #2c3e50 Cupcake

Dobri Next -C04- Material

  • Border color suggestion: #2c3e50 Material

Dobri Next -C05- Electron

  • Border color suggestion: #2c3e50 Electron

Dobri Next -C06- Ayu

  • Border color suggestion: #2c3e50 Ayu

Dobri Next -C07- One

  • Border color suggestion: #2c3e50 One

Dobri Next -C08- Darcula (99% like PhpStorm and WebStorm by Intellij)

  • Border color suggestion: #2c3e50 PhpStorm WebStorm

Dobri Next -C09- Eve

  • Border color suggestion: #2c3e50 Eve



Details (Dobri Next -A02- Bunker)









New Themes and Icons coming soon ...