
Dotfiles by stow

Primary LanguageVim Script



  1. Clone the repo in $HOME
  2. Change to the repo directory
  3. Run Stow:
stow .


Install globally so that individual package setup not required:

npm install -g eslint eslint-config-standard eslint-plugin-standard eslint-plugin-promise eslint-plugin-import eslint-plugin-node

Additional Mac Steps

  1. Copy SSH keys
  2. Remap caps lock > control in settings
  3. Update mouse settings (direction, speed, etc)
  4. Clone home directory repo: temp and copy .git (needs fixing!)
  5. Clone submodules (i.e. fonts)
  6. Set font and colours in iterm2
  7. Install vim plugins
  8. https://gist.github.com/jaibeee/9a4ea6aa9d428bc77925 for multi-user Homebrew
  9. Install Homebrew
  10. brew bundle
  11. Sign in to Chrome with Gmail ID
  12. Turn off spelling auto-correction, “smart” quotes

To Do

  • iTerm2 settings: font family/size, colour scheme
  • Spectacle access and startup
  • Re-map capslock to ctrl
  • Do not show display mirroring options in menubar
  • Show battery percentage


  • Remap caps lock > control
  • Tmux profile > use Solarized Dark
  • Messages:
    Set: Entry, ":FK_StandardViewSettings:IconViewSettings:showItemInfo", Does Not Exist
    Set: Entry, ":FK_StandardViewSettings:IconViewSettings:arrangeBy", Does Not Exist
    Set: Entry, ":FK_StandardViewSettings:IconViewSettings:gridSpacing", Does Not Exist
    Set: Entry, ":FK_StandardViewSettings:IconViewSettings:iconSize", Does Not Exist
    410:479: execution error: Terminal got an error: The file /Users/rowan/init/Solarized Dark xterm-256color.terminal does not exist. (1)
    Done. Note that some of these changes require a logout/restart to take effect.