
Pure PHP client for `tsdb` database.

Primary LanguagePHP


Basic pure PHP client for tsdb.


Add the repository and require line to your composer.json file:

  "repositories": [
      "url": "https://github.com/dobrakmato/tsdb-php",
      "type": "vcs"
  "require": {
    "dobrakmato/tsdb-php": "dev-master"


Connecting to server

You connect to TSDB server by creating a new instance of Client class.

use TSDB\Client;

$tsdb = new Client("mrpi", 9087);

Create new series

To create new series object call createSeries method on client object.

// Create series with name "temperature".

Inserting values into series

To insert values into series call insertValue method on client object. Make sure to not pass incorrect types as value parameter.

// Insert value "25.0" into existing series "temperature".
$tsdb->insertValue("temperature", 25.0);
$tsdb->insertValue("temperature", 26.0);
$tsdb->insertValue("temperature", 24.0);
$tsdb->insertValue("temperature", 24.0);

Selecting values from series

To select values from series call select method on client object. You can pass additional arguments fromTimestamp and toTimestamp which represent the range of values you are interesed in. In this example we retrieve all data-points that occurred in last 5 minutes.

The function will return array of data-points. Each data-point is currently represented as two element array. First element is UNIX timestamp of the data-point, second element is value.

// Select all data-points from last 5 minutes from series "temperature".
$points = $tsdb->select("temperature", strtotime('-5 minutes'));

foreach ($points as $point) {
    $formatted = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $point[0]);
    echo "At $formatted the value was $point[1]" . PHP_EOL;