Export Tailwindcss config options to SASS, SCSS, LESS, and Stylus variables.
- 1
Not enough arguments following: flat
#61 opened by CreateSean - 6
Deprecation Using / for division is deprecated
#59 opened by stereonom - 1
- 8
Malformed SCSS when using the 'flat' option
#55 opened by jtestarkey - 0
- 4
Feature request: Export config to JSON format
#50 opened by vitto - 4
Fontsize extraction error
#27 opened by Jamiewarb - 8
- 3
just a litte info
#25 opened by dkern - 0
Missing keys from Tailwind config
#23 opened by nlemoine - 7
corePlugins still exported
#8 opened by ZebTheWizard - 4
Tailwind Breaking Change @ 1.6.0
#19 opened by kevcjones-archived - 9
- 9
Quote map keys (Scss)
#9 opened by nlemoine - 3
- 8
Preparation for Tailwind version 1
#6 opened by ingvoo - 8
Omit suffix when detecting key 'default'
#3 opened by jordypereira - 4