
Training repo for Es5, Es6, Es7 React, MobX, MobX state tree, RxJs (without babel), potentially Redux Webpack, Babel


Training repo for Es5, Es6, Es7 React, MobX, MobX state tree, RxJs (without babel), potentially Redux Webpack, Babel, Typescript

First steps

  1. Study ES6 - TODO: update README with desirable url for ES6 tutorials.

Key features:

  • Support for constants
  • Block Scope
  • Arrow Functions
  • Extended Parameter Handling
  • Template Literals
  • Extended Literals
  • Enhanced Object Properties
  • De-structuring Assignment
  • Modules
  • Classes
  • Iterators
  • Generators
  • Collections
  • New built in methods for various classes
  • Promises

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  1. https://www.udemy.com/the-complete-javascript-course/ - Course to familiarise myself with core concepts of JavaScript and in particular with the difference between ES5 and ES6

  2. https://www.udemy.com/course/the-complete-web-development-bootcamp/ - Course for familiarising with advanced concepts in CSS, HTML and JavaScript through real mini projects

// The first few points are covered in the above mentioned courses

  1. https://medium.com/ecmascript-2015/default-rest-spread-f3ab0d2e0a5e - Extended Parameter Handling

  2. Template Literals are explained in the first two courses

  3. Enhanced object literals - https://dev.to/sarah_chima/enhanced-object-literals-in-es6-a9d

  4. Destructing assignment - https://javascript.info/destructuring-assignment

  5. Modules - as far as I understood it is basically the import statements found in other programming languages

  6. Iterators and Generators - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Iterators_and_Generators

  7. Couldn't find information about collections

  8. New built-in methods in ES6 - https://medium.com/@_bengarrison/javascript-es6-exploring-the-new-built-in-methods-b62583b0a8e6

  9. https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/primers/promises - Google developer's website with explanation about Promises

  1. Setup project in this repo using webpack, have index html page, css and a javascript to render a div element.

  2. Create a simple to do list app usign scss style preprocessor and pure Javascript using ES6 key features. Use MVC design pattern.

  3. Rewrite to do app using React components.

  4. Rewrite to do app using MobX framework, MobX state tree and RxJs (without babel).

Each point to be created as a separate branch and create pull request for each to be reviewed. We will create a tag from each point. More points to be added.