- 1
How to convert FUNSD to XFUN format?
#9 opened by yang0369 - 0
Statistics different from paper
#10 opened by rubycheen - 6
Annotation tool
#5 opened by tianchiguaixia - 0
Missing semantic relation labels
#8 opened by MichalTurski - 0
Getting JSONDecode error
#7 opened by jyotiyadav94 - 0
What is the use of uid in the dataset ? where does these values come from and what does it represent?
#6 opened by jyotiyadav94 - 0
format of zh and ja
#4 opened by bakhbyergyen - 5
Is the annotation rule same as the FUNSD?
#1 opened by tengerye - 0
English Dataset
#3 opened by AnikaKhandelwal-V37924 - 1
Would it be possible to post the image files from which the JSON outputs were generated?
#2 opened by Br1c0lage