
rating my knust squad

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple platform for the KNUST CHESS CLUB

How to install

  1. Fork the repo and clone from your copy
  2. cd into repo
  3. creat a file .env in the directory and paste the below in the file
teamId = knust-chess-club
DBURI = mongodb://knust:knust123@ds161764.mlab.com:61764/knust-chess
  1. install all modules(you should have node installed globally)
    npm install
  1. run the start script
    npm start
  1. For hot-reload. You need to have nodemon installed
    npm install -g nodemon
  1. run the dev script instead
    npm run dev

Submitting changes to code.

Fork the repo and make your changes on a different branch and make a pull request. All pull requests from master branch won't be merged!