
This is a tool that searches, parses, and groups available torrents from the web and can be tasked to retrieve corresponding file(s) having selected a particular torrent file

Primary LanguageElixir

Torrent Client

Torrent Client is a new client command-line system for dowloading torrents for movies focusing on speed and reliability.

Torrent Client takes several approaches to downloading torrents for the yts api.

Torrent Client uses extensive [sub binary matching][1], a built on Poison Parser.

Torrent Client benchmarks sometimes puts Torrent Client's performance close to jiffy and usually faster than other Erlang/Elixir libraries.

Torrent Client fully conforms to [RFC 7159][4], [ECMA 404][5], and fully passes the [JSONTestSuite][6].


First, add Torrent Client to your mix.exs dependencies:

def deps do
    {:httpoison, "~> 1.8.0"},
    {:poison, "~> 5.0.0"},
    {:ex_doc, "~> 0.26.0"},
    {:earmark, "~> 1.4"},
    {:floki, "~> 0.32.0"}

Then, update your dependencies:

$ mix deps.get


Torrent Client.!(%{"age" => 27, "name" => "Devin Torres"})
#=> "{\"name\":\"Devin Torres\",\"age\":27}"

usage: escript ./torrent_client [options | args]


    escript ./torrent_client -v Spider Man -s year -o desc
    escript ./torrent_client -t Spider Man --limit 3 --genre Action
    escript ./torrent_client -d Spider Man --movie_id 38423 --index 0

  -h  --help            Provides help information for torrent client
  -v  --view            Views query results matching specified parameters
  -m  --movies          Provides markup for client to search for torrent data
  -t  --torrents        Retrieves torrent file with movie name for downloads
  -i  --movie_id         Chooses id to search for movie details. Type integer
  -d  --downloads       Downloads torrent file for specified movie index
  -l  --limit           Sets limit for number of search results retrieved
  -q  --quality         Quality of movies to be queried [720p | 1080p | 2160p | 3D]
  -p  --page            Provides page number for search query
  -g  --genre           Genre of movies to be queried
  -mr --minimum_rating  Provides minimum rating of movies
  -o  --order_by        Order for search results [desc | asc]
  -s  --sort_by         Sorting order for search results [title | year | rating | peers | seeds | download_count | like_count | date_added]


### Key Validation



$ MIX_ENV=bench mix run bench/run.exs