
asyncio-based rfc2812-compliant IRC Client

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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asyncio-based rfc2812-compliant IRC Client (3.5+)

bottom isn't a kitchen-sink library. Instead, it provides a consistent API with a small surface area, tuned for performance and ease of extension. Similar to the routing style of bottle.py, hooking into events is one line.


pip install bottom

Getting Started

Create an instance:

import bottom

host = 'chat.freenode.net'
port = 6697
ssl = True

NICK = "bottom-bot"
CHANNEL = "#bottom-dev"

bot = bottom.Client(host=host, port=port, ssl=ssl)

Send nick/user/join when connection is established:

def connect(**kwargs):
    bot.send('NICK', nick=NICK)
    bot.send('USER', user=NICK,
    bot.send('JOIN', channel=CHANNEL)

Respond to ping:

def keepalive(message, **kwargs):
    bot.send('PONG', message=message)

Echo messages (channel and direct messages):

def message(nick, target, message, **kwargs):
    """ Echo all messages """

    # Don't echo ourselves
    if nick == NICK:
    # Respond directly to direct messages
    if target == NICK:
        bot.send("PRIVMSG", target=nick, message=message)
    # Channel message
        bot.send("PRIVMSG", target=target, message=message)

Finally, connect and run the bot forever:



The full API consists of 1 class, with 6 methods:

async Client.connect()

async Client.disconnect()

Client.send(command, **kwargs)


async Client.wait(event)

Client.trigger(event, **kwargs)

Versioning and RFC2812

  • Bottom follows semver for its public API.
    • Currently, Client is the only public member of bottom.
    • IRC replies/codes which are not yet implemented may be added at any time, and will correspond to a patch - the function contract of @on method does not change.
    • You should not rely on the internal api staying the same between minor versions.
    • Over time, private apis may be raised to become public. The reverse will never occur.


Contributions welcome! When reporting issues, please provide enough detail to reproduce the bug - sample code is ideal. When submitting a PR, please make sure tox passes (including flake8).


bottom uses tox, pytest and flake8. To get everything set up:

# RECOMMENDED: create a virtualenv with:
#     pyenv virtualenv 3.5.0 bottom
git clone https://github.com/numberoverzero/bottom.git
pip install tox


  • Better Client docstrings
  • Add missing replies/errors to unpack.py:unpack_command
    • Add reply/error parameters to unpack.py:parameters
    • Document events, client.send




This decorator is the main way you'll interact with a Client. For a given event name, it registers the decorated function to be invoked when that event occurs. Your decorated functions should always accept **kwargs, in case unexpected kwargs are included when the event is triggered.

The usual IRC commands sent from a server are triggered automatically, or can be manually invoked with trigger below. Additionally, you may register handlers for any string, making it easy to extend bottom with your own signals.

Not all available arguments need to be used. For instance, both of the following are valid:

def event(nick, message, target, **kwargs):
    """ Doesn't use user, host.  argument order is different """
    # message sent to bot - echo message
    if target == bot.nick:
        bot.send('PRIVMSG', target, message=message)
    # Some channel we're watching
    elif target == bot.monitored_channel:
        logger.info("{} -> {}: {}".format(nick, target, message))

def func(message, target, **kwargs):
    """ Just waiting for the signal """
    if message == codeword && target == secret_channel:

Handlers do not need to be async functions - non async will be wrapped prior to the bot running. For example, both of these are valid:

def handle(message, **kwargs):

async def handle(message, **kwargs):
    await async_logger.log(message)

Finally, you can create your own events to trigger and handle. For example, let's catch SIGINT and gracefully shut down the event loop:

import signal

def handle_sigint(signum, frame):
    print("SIGINT handler")
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_sigint)

async def handle(**kwargs):
    print("SIGINT trigger")
    await bot.disconnect()

    # Signal a stop before disconnecting so that any reconnect
    # coros aren't run by the last run_forever sweep.

bot.loop.run_forever()  # Ctrl + C here

Client.trigger(event, **kwargs)

Manually inject a command or reply as if it came from the server. This is useful for invoking other handlers. Note that because trigger doesn't block, registered callbacks for the event won't run until the event loop yields to them.

Events don't need to be valid irc commands; any string is available.

# Manually trigger `PRIVMSG` handlers:
bot.trigger('privmsg', nick="always_says_no", message="yes")
# Rename !commands to !help
def parse(nick, target, message, **kwargs):
    if message == '!commands':
        bot.send('privmsg', target=nick,
                 message="!commands was renamed to !help in 1.2")
        # Don't make them retype it, trigger the correct command
        bot.trigger('privmsg', nick=nick,
                    target=target, message="!help")

Because the @on decorator returns the original function, you can register a handler for multiple events. It's especially important to use **kwargs correctly here, to handle different keywords for each event.

# Simple recursive-style countdown
async def handle(target, message, remaining=None, **kwargs):
    # Entry point, verify command and parse from message
    if remaining is None:
        if not message.startswith("!countdown"):
        # !countdown 10
        remaining = int(message.split(" ")[-1])

    if remaining == 0:
        message = "Countdown complete!"
        message = "{}...".format(remaining)
    # Assume for now that target is always a channel
    bot.send("privmsg", target=target, message=message)

    if remaining:
        # After a second trigger another countdown event
        await asyncio.sleep(1, loop=bot.loop)
                    remaining=remaining - 1)


** This is a coroutine. **

Wait for an event to trigger:

async def reconnect(**kwargs):
    # Trigger an event that may cascade to a client_connect.
    # Don't continue until a client_connect occurs, which may be never.


    await client.wait("client_connect")

    # If we get here, one of the plugins handled connection lost by
    # reconnecting, and we're back.  Send some messages, etc.
    client.send("privmsg", target=bot.CHANNEL, message="Happy Birthday!")


** This is a coroutine. **

Connect to the client's host, port.

Attempt to reconnect using the client's host, port:

async def reconnect(**kwargs):
    # Wait a few seconds
    await asyncio.sleep(3, loop=bot.loop)
    await bot.connect()
    # Now that we're connected, let everyone know
    bot.send('privmsg', target=bot.channel, message="I'm back.")

You can schedule a connect without blocking by using the client's event loop:

def reconnect(**kwargs):
    # Wait a few seconds

    # Note that we're not in a coroutine, so we don't have access
    # to await and asyncio.sleep

    # After this line we won't necessarily be connected.
    # We've simply scheduled the connect to happen in the future

    print("Reconnect scheduled.")


** This is a coroutine. **

Immediately disconnect from the server.

Disconnect from the server if connected:

async def suicide_pill(nick, message, **kwargs):
    if nick == "spy_handler" and message == "last stop":
        await bot.disconnect()

Like Client.connect, we can use the bot's event loop to schedule a disconnect:


Client.send(command, **kwargs)

Send a command to the server.

Supported Commands

client.send('PASS', password='hunter2')
client.send('NICK', nick='WiZ')
# mode is optional, default is 0
client.send('USER', user='WiZ-user', realname='Ronnie')
client.send('USER', user='WiZ-user', mode='8', realname='Ronnie')
client.send('OPER', user='WiZ', password='hunter2')
# Renamed from MODE
client.send('USERMODE', nick='WiZ')
client.send('USERMODE', nick='WiZ', modes='+io')
client.send('SERVICE', nick='CHANSERV', distribution='*.en',
            type='0', info='manages channels')
client.send('QUIT', message='Gone to Lunch')
client.send('SQUIT', server='tolsun.oulu.fi')
client.send('SQUIT', server='tolsun.oulu.fi', message='Bad Link')
# If channel has n > 1 values, key MUST have 1 or n values
client.send('JOIN', channel='0')  # send PART to all joined channels
client.send('JOIN', channel='#foo-chan')
client.send('JOIN', channel='#foo-chan', key='foo-key')
client.send('JOIN', channel=['#foo-chan', '#other'], key='key-for-both')
client.send('JOIN', channel=['#foo-chan', '#other'], key=['foo-key', 'other-key'])
client.send('PART', channel='#foo-chan')
client.send('PART', channel=['#foo-chan', '#other'])
client.send('PART', channel='#foo-chan', message='I lost')
# Renamed from MODE
client.send('CHANNELMODE', channel='#foo-chan', modes='+b')
client.send('CHANNELMODE', channel='#foo-chan', modes='+l', params='10')
client.send('TOPIC', channel='#foo-chan')
client.send('TOPIC', channel='#foo-chan', message='')  # Clear channel message
client.send('TOPIC', channel='#foo-chan', message='Yes, this is dog')
# target requires channel
client.send('NAMES', channel='#foo-chan')
client.send('NAMES', channel=['#foo-chan', '#other'])
client.send('NAMES', channel=['#foo-chan', '#other'], target='remote.*.edu')
# target requires channel
client.send('LIST', channel='#foo-chan')
client.send('LIST', channel=['#foo-chan', '#other'])
client.send('LIST', channel=['#foo-chan', '#other'], target='remote.*.edu')
client.send('INVITE', nick='WiZ-friend', channel='#bar-chan')
# nick and channel must have the same number of elements
client.send('KICK', channel='#foo-chan', nick='WiZ')
client.send('KICK', channel='#foo-chan', nick='WiZ', message='Spamming')
client.send('KICK', channel='#foo-chan', nick=['WiZ', 'WiZ-friend'])
client.send('KICK', channel=['#foo', '#bar'], nick=['WiZ', 'WiZ-friend'])
client.send('PRIVMSG', target='WiZ-friend', message='Hello, friend!')
client.send('NOTICE', target='#foo-chan', message='Maintenance in 5 mins')
client.send('MOTD', target='remote.*.edu')
client.send('LUSERS', mask='*.edu')
client.send('LUSERS', mask='*.edu', target='remote.*.edu')
# target requires query
client.send('STATS', query='m')
client.send('STATS', query='m', target='remote.*.edu')
# remote requires mask
client.send('LINKS', mask='*.bu.edu')
client.send('LINKS', remote='*.edu', mask='*.bu.edu')
client.send('TIME', target='remote.*.edu')
client.send('CONNECT', target='tolsun.oulu.fi', port=6667)
client.send('CONNECT', target='tolsun.oulu.fi', port=6667, remote='*.edu')
client.send('TRACE', target='remote.*.edu')
client.send('ADMIN', target='remote.*.edu')
client.send('INFO', target='remote.*.edu')
# type requires mask
client.send('SERVLIST', mask='*SERV')
client.send('SERVLIST', mask='*SERV', type=3)
client.send('SQUERY', target='irchelp', message='HELP privmsg')
client.send('WHO', mask='*.fi')
client.send('WHO', mask='*.fi', o=True)
client.send('WHOIS', mask='*.fi')
client.send('WHOIS', mask=['*.fi', '*.edu'], target='remote.*.edu')
# target requires count
client.send('WHOWAS', nick='WiZ')
client.send('WHOWAS', nick='WiZ', count=10)
client.send('WHOWAS', nick=['WiZ', 'WiZ-friend'], count=10)
client.send('WHOWAS', nick='WiZ', count=10, target='remote.*.edu')
client.send('KILL', nick='WiZ', message='Spamming Joins')
# server2 requires server1
client.send('PING', message='Test..')
client.send('PING', server2='tolsun.oulu.fi')
client.send('PING', server1='WiZ', server2='tolsun.oulu.fi')
# server2 requires server1
client.send('PONG', message='Test..')
client.send('PONG', server2='tolsun.oulu.fi')
client.send('PONG', server1='WiZ', server2='tolsun.oulu.fi')
client.send('AWAY', message='Gone to Lunch')
# target requires channel
client.send('SUMMON', nick='WiZ')
client.send('SUMMON', nick='WiZ', target='remote.*.edu')
client.send('SUMMON', nick='WiZ', target='remote.*.edu', channel='#foo-chan')
client.send('USERS', target='remote.*.edu')
client.send('WALLOPS', message='Maintenance in 5 minutes')
client.send('USERHOST', nick='WiZ')
client.send('USERHOST', nick=['WiZ', 'WiZ-friend'])
client.send('ISON', nick='WiZ')
client.send('ISON', nick=['WiZ', 'WiZ-friend'])

Supported Events

These commands are received from the server, or dispatched using Client.trigger(...).

# Local only events
  • PING
  • JOIN
  • PART
  • RPL_WELCOME (001)
  • RPL_YOURHOST (002)
  • RPL_CREATED (003)
  • RPL_MYINFO (004)
  • RPL_BOUNCE (005)
  • RPL_MOTD (372)
  • RPL_LUSERME (255)
  • RPL_LUSEROP (252)