Here's a super quick & dirty I rattled-off between turns playing Catan. After playing a fair bit, we've grown a bit untrusting of our dice, so we're now logging. This is practically pseudo-code, though, it works enough.
I'd like to burn this little thing down and expand to something much bigger/nicer.
This isn't really meant for general consumption, but use would be:- Manually type each dice roll sum (an integer) in to a text file. One line per roll.
- Invoke via
cat [mydicefile.txt] | ./
There were 43 samples, with an average of: 6.9534883 3: 3 occurences 4: 3 occurences 5: 9 occurences 6: 5 occurences 7: 6 occurences 8: 2 occurences 9: 7 occurences 10: 6 occurences 11: 2 occurences
And here's another actual game's output:
There were 78 samples, with an average of: 7.192307 3: 2 occurences 4: 12 occurences 5: 9 occurences 6: 5 occurences 7: 14 occurences 8: 13 occurences 9: 11 occurences 10: 4 occurences 11: 5 occurences 12: 3 occurences