This little diddy is a script I wanted to help my Trash Talker app's preferences UI conduct users to the system preferences area for managing the available speech synth voices.
It took me a while to figure it out since I don't really make use of Apple Script and found the docs unintuitive. Nevertheless this thing seems to work fine, at least on macOS 10.13 with English localizations in-play.
This is a freebie I've hacked-together by googling extensively. I intended on bundling it within my TrashTalker app to help users. However, this script never made it in the a release of Trash Talker because I distribute it via the App Store and for the script to work my app required Entitlements that Apple told me they would never approve. I had the script hard-coded in to Objective-C and called it from a method. Anyway, here it shall live for others to possibly enjoy.
Feel free to check out Trash Talker here.
There were various little posts around the web that gave me enough clues to get this going. Here are some of the few helpful ones I still have open as of when I got this going:
There's a brief post regarding this script on my blog,, here.