
The example of server-side implementation of REST architecture in Spring Boot, Spring Data Jpa, QueryDSL, Swagger, Vagrant & Ansible, Travis, ModelMapper

Primary LanguageJava

Course: Server side implementation of REST architecture

This project shows the implementation of REST architecture using Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA with QueryDSL. For mapping Entities to Dtos is used the ModelMapper framework (If performance matters consider MapStruct framework). Documentation for that REST API is implemented in the Swagger framework.


email Name
pavelseda@email.cz Šeda Pavel

Starting up Project (NOT implemented yet)

You don't have to install Java, Maven, Tomcat, etc. to your local development environment. All you need is [Vagrant installed] (http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/guide_vagrant.html).

vagrant up

Now check that documentation on the following section is reachable. NOTE: This command will also insert some testing data to data storages.


Documentation is done in Swagger framework. It is possible to reach it on the following page:


e.g. on localhost it should be:


ADOC version of REST API documentation is generated here: (https://github.com/SedaQ/rest-training/blob/master/doc-files/ApiDocumentation.adoc)

PDF version of REST API documentation is generated here: (https://github.com/SedaQ/rest-training/blob/master/doc-files/ApiDocumentation.pdf)

NOTE: please note that client for that REST API could be generated using [Swagger codegen] (https://swagger.io/tools/swagger-codegen/). It is crucial to annotate each RestController method properly!

2. Properties file

# Environment DEV or PROD

server.address={server address}, e.g., localhost (
server.port={port for service}, e.g., 8080
server.servlet.context-path=/{context path for service}, e.g., /rest-training/api/v1

spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://{url to DB}
spring.datasource.username={user in DB}
spring.datasource.password={password for user to DB}
spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.temp.use_jdbc_metadata_defaults = false

# spring cloud
spring.cloud.refresh.enabled = false

# Jackson (e.g. converting Java 8 dates to ISO format

# to fix: Method jmxMBeanExporter in org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.endpoint.jmx.JmxEndpointAutoConfiguration
spring.jmx.enabled = false

spring.flyway.url=jdbc:postgresql://{url to DB}
spring.flyway.user={user in DB}
spring.flyway.password={password for user to DB}

# Logging
logging.level.root= WARN
logging.level.org.springframework.security= DEBUG
logging.level.org.springframework.web= ERROR
logging.level.org.apache.commons.dbcp2= DEBUG  
logging.file = logs/rest-training.log  

3. Database migration

Prerequisities running PostgreSQL and created database named 'training' with schema 'public'. To migrate database data it is necessary to run this command:

$ mvn flyway:migrate -Djdbc.url=jdbc:postgresql://{url to DB}/rest-training -Djdbc.username={username in DB} -Djdbc.password={password to DB}


$ mvn flyway:migrate -Djdbc.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/rest-training -Djdbc.username=postgres -Djdbc.password=postgre

NOTE: This script must be run in [persistence] (https://github.com/SedaQ/rest-training/tree/master/persistence) module.

Installing project

Installing by maven:

mvn clean install

Run project

In Intellij Idea:

  1. Click on "Run" -> "Edit configurations".
  2. Choose "RestConfigTraining" configuration.
  3. Add into "Program arguments" --path.to.config.file="{path to your config properties}".
  4. Run RestConfigTraining

Runnig project from cmd (after project is installed and database is migrated):

mvn spring-boot:run -Dpath.to.config.file=../ansible/properties/training.properties

Used Technologies

The project was built and tested with these technologies, so if you have any unexpected troubles let us know.

Maven         : 3.3.9
Java          : OpenJDK 11
Spring Boot   : 2.1.1.RELEASE
Swagger       : 2.9.2
Hibernate     : 5.3.7.Final
Jackson       : 2.9.7
Tomcat        : 9
PostgreSQL    : 11

Installing technologies on Debian based system

Installing Java

Follow the steps in the following link: https://dzone.com/articles/installing-openjdk-11-on-ubuntu-1804-for-real

Verify the installation:

$ java -version

Do not forget to set OpenJDK in IntelliJ IDEA in all the places. The tutorial for setting OpenJDK in IntelliJ IDEA in all the places is shown in the following link: [https://stackoverflow.com/a/26009627/2892314].

Installing Maven

$ apt-cache search maven
$ sudo apt-get install maven

Verify the installation:

$ mvn -v

PostgreSQL installation

Follow the steps in the following link: [https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-use-postgresql-on-ubuntu-16-04]