Daniel Ochoa's Mobile Flashcard Project

This is my implementation of the Mobile Flashcards React Nanodegree project. Based on a Create React Native App scaffold.


  • Install all project dependencies with yarn


  • Start the development server with yarn start, you can use expo features to test on iOS by using the Simulator or your own device. No tests on Android were issued.


  • The project directory is as follows:
  • Components: All the screens are here. The App entry point is the Stack Navigation of App.js and the main route is DeckList. As Redux wasn't an obligation for this project (I really think that Redux makes things a lot easier when working when React Native) I decided to use a hierarchical approach to handle global state. So, the main component knows how to handle the main state modification callbacks.

  • Utils: This is a miscelaneous directory. You can find the following:

    • colors.js: Constants with colors values that are going to be used in the entire app.
    • notifications.js: Helper functions used to handle notification. This is a small test help that you can uncomment in order to test the notifications in a more easy way. Remember that in order for Expo notifications to work, the application must not be open in the phone.
    • storage_api.js: Helper functions that knows how to handle AsyncStorage.

Proud of

  • Navigation: I had an issue with navigation, where as after any Card or Deck creation, that route remained on the stack and was an option as the user pushes the back button. I read the entire documentation of react navigation and figured out how to rid of that problem.

  • State management: My DeckList component can handle most of the app logic only inheriting a method to other routes that tells them how to comeback to a certain deck view.

  • Quiz implementation: I'm really proud of this component. I was able to implement a sequential order of components only using the state of the Quiz component. So simple, so elegant.