This is **DEPRECATED**! Please go to
- 2
- 0
Pull Microsoft Images Fail "Blob unknown"
#1117 opened by kpiedvelop - 3
Docker private registry responsed with "Error response from daemon: Get https://xx:5000/v1/_ping: EOF"
#1076 opened by soh0ro0t - 3
Docker pull with Apache Proxy fails
#1072 opened by AlexFR59 - 0
- 0
Unable to push images to s3 in ireland region
#1114 opened by ahsannaseem - 1
- 0
docker push error
#1112 opened by echotor - 0
No support for s3 storage in new us-east-2 (Ohio)
#1088 opened by eranchetz - 1
Pull from private image not working
#1110 opened by roysG - 6
Delete repository with v2 REST API? (when images, tags are removed and even GC has run)
#1108 opened by davvdg - 4
I'm not able to auth on private registry
#1080 opened by jeusdi - 0
Delete image, manifest unknown
#1109 opened by ajouve - 1
gistry cli
#1107 opened by laurieodgers - 0
Docker EOF erro in Windows 10 Pro Machine
#1106 opened by daniele3004 - 2
registry - image exists - but doesn't show in catalog
#1103 opened by goatherder - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
curl works but docker search doesnt work
#1101 opened by prashantladha - 0
- 0
Need to delete
#1099 opened by epnaveen - 0
Delete last tag
#1098 opened by narlack - 0
Push Manifest by http api v2 failed
#1097 opened by icedir - 2
Manifest 'deleted' but still in volume
#1083 opened by lvthillo - 0
ldap group is not being synch
#1096 opened by ckmcd - 2
Garbage collection does not seem to do its job completely
#1093 opened by mbert - 0
CURL does not return complete list of image tags
#1095 opened by awaissindhu - 0
500 status code when crawling /v1/search
#1094 opened by supreme - 1
Docker pull failed :Tag latest not found in repository
#1087 opened by spoonysnail - 0
- 0
Delete single blob via HTTP API v2
#1091 opened by ilyasku - 0
- 0
Insecure Registry on Centos7 refuses to ingest images, even with flag 'insecure-registries'
#1089 opened by mmelcot - 0
Self hosted S3 (Minio) retrying in X seconds.
#1086 opened by bweston92 - 0
Self hosted S3 (Minio) retrying in X seconds.
#1085 opened by bweston92 - 0
sel signed
#1084 opened by mcapitanio - 1
Running "top" command inside docker container
#1082 opened by sourav82 - 0
search on my Auth+TLS private docker registry
#1081 opened by jeusdi - 0
Secured (TLS + Auth) private docker registry access (invalid registry endpoint)
#1079 opened by jeusdi - 1
Is docker registry v2.0+ suport private registry mirror for private registry
#1075 opened by kinglion811 - 0
run in Docker command line using portus LDAP
#1078 opened by sagarbpatil007 - 0
#1077 opened by e-kostylov - 2
Private registry: Garbage collection
#1074 opened by noymn - 6
401 insufficient_scope getting /tags/list
#1071 opened by hrobertson - 0
#1073 opened by matiasbuffa - 0
Manage private registries using Android app
#1070 opened by mlabouardy - 0
my registry
#1069 opened by nehamunugala - 2
Deleting images does not work, wrong digest
#1068 opened by EugenMayer - 0
Can't start container XXXX :SQL error or missing database: no such table: edge
#1067 opened by hanzhenhua