- 2
ARM missing on 8.11.1
#104 opened by dkarlovi - 1
Any plans for arm64 official images?
#94 opened by AGSaidi - 2
- 1
- 2
#82 opened by chengjinshengtaichanyejituan - 11
- 1
- 2
- 7
Override any setting in kibana.yml via docker command line or environment variable
#28 opened by jverhoeven - 5
- 4
Kibana connects to http://localhost:9200 instead of http://elasticsearch:9200 as advertised in documentation
#35 opened by jpetazzo - 4
Install Sense
#47 opened by gfelot - 2
Serving kibana at port 443
#58 opened by anopheles - 2
- 4
Docker ES and Kibana won't connect localhost
#65 opened by carnalim - 2
Alpine variant
#68 opened by daveisfera - 2
run kibana as non-root
#73 opened by djdevin - 1
- 1
- 1
kibana installation error
#78 opened by rasulovk - 4
kibana red status due to ES Request Timeout
#79 opened by nico2610 - 2
support arm64 architecture
#81 opened by longquan7 - 1
- 5
Kibana plugins
#27 opened by madeddie - 1
dial tcp: lookup on [::1]:53: read udp [::1]:48468->[::1]:53: read: connection refused
#72 opened by IbrahimYahya - 10
- 0
- 1
executable file not found
#15 opened by eskp - 1
5.0.0-alpha3 not available
#48 opened by fcrisciani - 3
Kibana docker instance stops running
#18 opened by nabheet - 0
Kibana does not retry connections.
#42 opened by Industrial - 0
Add tag 5.0
#41 opened by julienmathevet - 2
- 4
Unable to detach / terminate
#21 opened by Deseao - 2
- 2
4.1.3 tag not found
#19 opened by delfuego - 2
Status 404 while fetching image layer (972313908e2a58b09eaefadd73bcfbfb2d416db08e4bb7d95b56cde3d94b8c85)
#7 opened by salekseev - 0
Forcing linking with Elasticsearch
#2 opened by Gingonic