
Infra: docker engine/swarm/registry/registrator, consul cluster, RMQ cluster, SMTP server, elastic-search, fluentd, grafana, zipkin one-off setup scripts.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


  1. Install docker CE on your Mac from the stable channel: https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/install/

  2. Install docker-machine and docker-compose on your Mac.

    brew install docker-machine docker-compose
  3. docker-machine target user to target host need to have sudo privileges without asking the root password, so add the below line to the remote target machine's /etc/sudoers.

    leonard ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
  4. docker-machine has problems working with SSH DSA key, so use the SSH RSA key instead.

  5. If you ever manually installed any docker-* component please purge them totally.

    sudo apt-get purge docker docker-engine
  6. For elasticsearch cluster you need to config the vm.max_map_count in the /etc/sysctl.conf

    # So put the below line in the file /etc/sysctl.conf
    vm.max_map_count = 262144

Construct RabbitMQ cluster manually

  • Connect to specific container

    docker run -it --rm \
      --network=gate_services_stack \
      --link 24dcc271c547 \
      --env SERVICE_IGNORE=true \
      --env RABBITMQ_ERLANG_COOKIE=e705fb595df640baa6df37c0f967bd11 \
      --env RABBITMQ_NODENAME=rabbit@rabbitmq_server_2 \
      rabbitmq:3.6.10-management-alpine bash
    rabbitmqctl stop_app
    rabbitmqctl join_cluster rabbit@rabbitmq_server_0
    rabbitmqctl start_app
  • You can check cluster status with rabbitmqctl cluster_status.

  • You can remove one node by using: rabbitmqctl forget_cluster_node rabbit@rabbitmq_server_2

  • Due to Issue #151 RABBITMQ_HIPE_COMPILE=1 cannot work as expected.

  • RabbitMQ cluster with the below 2 policies:

      "name": "ha-gate-mq-*",
      "priority": 999,
      "pattern": "^gate-mq-",
      "definition": {
        "ha-mode": "exactly",
        "ha-params": 2,
        "ha-sync-mode": "automatic"
      "name": "ha-gate-ex-*",
      "priority": 999,
      "pattern": "^gate-ex-",
      "definition": {
        "ha-mode": "exactly",
        "ha-params": 2,
        "ha-sync-mode": "automatic"

Generate user and password for registry

  • mkdir auth
    docker run --entrypoint htpasswd registry:2 -Bbn leonard 1234567890 > auth/htpasswd
  • Check what images you have by using https://micro02.sgdev.vcube.com:65300/v2/_catalog

  • How to remove one tag:

    # Get tags list.
    curl -u leonard:1234567890 -H 'Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json' https://micro02.sgdev.vcube.com:65300/v2/auth_dev_leonard_0.0.1/tags/list
    # Get manifest for selected tag.
    curl -i -u leonard:1234567890 -H 'Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json' https://micro02.sgdev.vcube.com:65300/v2/auth_dev_leonard_0.0.1/manifests/latest
    ## Copy digest hash from response header.
    ## Delete manifest (soft delete). This request only marks image tag as deleted and doesn't delete files from file system.
    ## If you want to delete data from file system, run this step and go to the next step.
    curl -i -u leonard:1234567890 -X DELETE -H 'Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json' https://micro02.sgdev.vcube.com:65300/v2/auth_dev_leonard_0.0.1/manifests/sha256:e55b7e2fcae56845cca6fcae0b667fb70b362e2e87756fbdca2b7e3bb03e0e67
    ## Delete image data from file system.
    ## Run command from the host machine.
    docker exec -it 0ada19d5b37e bin/registry garbage-collect /etc/docker/registry/config.yml

Create email server

  • Generate dkim

    apt-get install opendkim-tools
    opendkim-genkey -s mail -d {domain name you will use for the email server}
  • Just put the file mail.private as dkim.key inside the dkim directory you'll later link into the container using -v.

  • The mail.txt should be imported into the DNS System. Add a new TXT-Record for mail._domainkey [selector._domainkey]. And add as value the String starting "v=DKIM1;..." from the mail.txt file.

  • Verify your email server works properly with telnet

    echo -ne '\0support\0L6b8c38fb30664cdb25382d201893c1f' | openssl enc -base64
    telnet 65000
    ehlo test
    mail from: support@microservices.vcube.sg
    rcpt to: leonard.shi@vcube.co.jp
    From: "V-CUBE Gate" <support@microservices.vcube.sg>
    To: "Leonard Shi" <leonard.shi@vcube.co.jp>
    Subject: How is the new architecture going?
    Hi Leonard,
    How is the new architecture going? Can we arrange a meeting for some deeper discussion?

Under each project's root directory, build and push your image to our private registries, take project microservice-auth-jwt as example

  • Basically to say, the image tag should follow this format: protobuf service name - dev/stg/prd - owner - target cpu cores : version

    # Build your image.
    docker build \
      --no-cache=true \
      --pull=true \
      --compress=false \
      --rm=true \
      --force-rm=true \
      --build-arg PORTS_END=53547 \
      --tag auth-dev-leonard-1:0.0.1 \
    # Tag your image.
    docker tag auth-dev-leonard-1:0.0.1 micro02.sgdev.vcube.com:65300/auth-dev-leonard-1:0.0.1
    # Login to the corresponding registry.
    docker login micro02.sgdev.vcube.com:65300
    # Push your image to the registry.
    docker push micro02.sgdev.vcube.com:65300/auth-dev-leonard-1:0.0.1
  • Since

    1. docker supports by using the --cpuset-cpus="" option to control the CPU resource;

    2. Consul supports grouping multiple service instances under one service name;

    3. Avoid the case that running more than 2 service instances in one physical node;

  • So

    • On the image we add the target cpu cores option also, if necessary then prepare the image.

Build fluentd image with elastic-search plugin

  • docker build \
      --no-cache=true \
      --pull=true \
      --compress=false \
      --rm=true \
      --force-rm=true \
      --tag fluentd-ms-leonard \
      --file ./Dockerfiles/Dockerfile.fluentd \
    # Tag your image.
    docker tag fluentd-ms-leonard micro02.sgdev.vcube.com:65300/fluentd-ms-leonard
    # Login to the corresponding registry.
    docker login micro02.sgdev.vcube.com:65300
    # Push your image to the registry.
    docker push micro02.sgdev.vcube.com:65300/fluentd-ms-leonard

Set up your localhost testing environment.

  • # Install Docker CE.
    # Init docker swarm cluster.
    docker swarm init
    # Create necessary network.
    docker network create \
      --driver overlay \
      --attachable=true \
      --subnet \
    # Run registrator
    docker service create \
      --name registrator \
      --network gate_services_stack \
      --mount type=bind,src=/var/run/docker.sock,dst=/tmp/docker.sock,readonly \
      --restart-condition any \
      gliderlabs/registrator:master \
      -cleanup \
      -deregister always \
    ## Bring the target project up by running 'run.sh' in its root directory.
    ## -n to specify whether you need to run npm install.
    ## -w to specify the owner of this env.
    source run.sh -n -w leonard