Deploy applications described in Compose onto Kubernetes clusters
- 3
PerssitentVolume enhancement
#57 opened by simonferquel - 5
- 4
Error: the server is currently unable to handle the request (post
#58 opened by collabnix - 5
"invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided" error with microk8s
#59 opened by neerolyte - 2
Stack Status: more details
#66 opened by simonferquel - 7
etcd dependency
#98 opened by kfox1111 - 1
- 1
How to uninstall / remove?
#107 opened by bgehman - 11
- 2
Mapping to job?
#118 opened by denisa - 5
- 4
- 2
- 2
- 2
Deploying Helm Charts using docker-compose
#154 opened by jessechahal - 2
Can't use NodePort with minikube "bare metal"
#155 opened by natehaze - 1
etcd install instructions outdated
#156 opened by alechp - 4
Installation problem
#158 opened by stefaner1 - 1
Redeploying Application on Docker Stack
#159 opened by tubbo - 1
Deploying with GPU
#161 opened by tkg61 - 1
- 1
- 2
Configure license checker
#169 opened by olivierlemasle - 2
- 1
the server is currently unable to handle the request (get
#172 opened by cclauss - 1
Feature request: brew install compose-on-kubernetes
#173 opened by cclauss - 2
- 1
Test release of compose-on-kubernetes
#157 opened by ulyssessouza - 1
- 1
panic: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused
#120 opened by djs55 - 4
[Networking] Use ClusterIP when possible
#64 opened by simonferquel - 4
- 2
Deploy etcd raises error
#114 opened by cjancsar - 1
Add remove stack command to README
#103 opened by masayuki14 - 1
Bind mount e2e test has been reported as flaky
#111 opened by chris-crone - 4
- 1
- 1
Update Kubernetes vendor to 1.13 or later
#85 opened by ry4nz - 1
Invalid Gopkg.toml file
#92 opened by carolynvs - 0
- 4
compose pods in CrashLoopBackOff with minikube
#60 opened by neerolyte - 2
- 1
Overlap with kompose
#79 opened by rasmusskovdk - 0
- 6
- 3
- 0
- 5
Installation instructions needed for microk8s
#53 opened by garethr - 10
- 4
Prepare v0.4.18
#47 opened by simonferquel