- 4
Failed to authenticate account
#90 opened by xtodx - 4
docker minecraft launcher
#88 opened by willzhang - 11
Support Minecraft 1.9.x
#61 opened by michaelpjohnson - 7
unsupported protocol version
#80 opened by lholmquist - 0
arm64 support
#94 opened by joshuachris2001 - 4
Why did this die?
#92 opened by AstroOrbis - 1
#91 opened by ItIsApachee - 7
Proposal: Achievements
#34 opened by dave-tucker - 1
Can I run command directly into it?
#82 opened by wiput1999 - 0
Proposal: K8s integration
#89 opened by Alexei-Kornienko - 5
Proposol: Creeper Chaos Testing
#56 opened by yenda - 7
Connected to server but it's empty??
#87 opened by k2gremlin - 4
- 1
Add networks support with Minecraft beacons
#53 opened by gdevillele - 8
Proposal: Tutorial
#33 opened by dave-tucker - 19
Images, Volumes, Networks, Machines...
#19 opened by aduermael - 1
How to craft herokuish?
#72 opened by nemanjan00 - 4
Change Worldseed?
#54 opened by kleinerpogo - 4
Cubrite vendoring and update
#71 opened by gdevillele - 10
Network API
#12 opened by NiLSPACE - 6
- 11
Container control not working
#44 opened by dreddpenguin - 0
Dockerfile missing EXPOSE command
#63 opened by JBYoshi - 0
destroyed my server
#66 opened by jamesalbert - 4
- 6
Doesn't work with Docker Beta
#62 opened by IAPOLINARIO - 1
Still progress in here?
#50 opened by kleinerpogo - 0
Proposal: Docker Machine Integration
#49 opened by dave-tucker - 8
Client price?
#16 opened by xied75 - 2
Disable weather simulation
#43 opened by gdevillele - 3
- 3
command injection is available
#29 opened by nyasukun - 13
Minecraft world empty
#11 opened by wombat - 3
Running Docker commands from "T"
#22 opened by vosmith - 0
- 5
It's too easy to remove switches and levers
#27 opened by dave-tucker - 2
- 2
Docker remote API: support older versions
#21 opened by gdevillele - 10
- 2
Always get stop after startup complete
#10 opened by david50407 - 2
mcserver generates terrain around where containers are if you have quite a few
#2 opened by programmerq - 2