
Statistical model of heterogeneous electrochemistry

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Modelling of electrochemical responses.

Package allows for explicit modelling of the heterogeneous electrochemical systems. The full description of the method is given in the paper https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.analchem.1c01286


pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ RedoxPySolid


# The package is compiled to work with Windows OS
# each simulation run takes several minutes to complete

from RedoxPySolid.activeLayer import ElectrochemicallyActiveLayer
from RedoxPySolid.CV import CV
from RedoxPySolid.VFSWV import VFSWV
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# describe the characteristics of the surface layer
layer_params = [{'dist_type': 'lorentz',
        'g0': 0.35*10**(-9),
        'e0': -0.2,
        'sigma_e0': 0.04,
        'log_k0': 1.2,
        'sigma_log_k0': 0.1,
        'a': 0.5,
        'z': 1},
        {'dist_type': 'lorentz',
        'g0': 0.2*10**(-9),
        'e0': 0,
        'sigma_e0': 0.04,
        'log_k0': 0.5,
        'sigma_log_k0': 0.1,
        'a': 0.5,
        'z': 2}]

# create a class instance of the surface layer and visualise the output as 2D map
layer = ElectrochemicallyActiveLayer(31, (-0.4, 0.2), 31, (0, 2), layer_params, loading_cutoff=10**(-13))
output = layer.compressed_data

# define the cyclic voltammetry (CV) parameters
cv_params = {'e_start': 0.3,
        'e_end': -0.4,
        'scan_rate': 0.1,
        'resistance': 10,
        'capacitance': 100*10**(-6)}

# simulate the CV and visualise the output
cv_scan = CV(layer, cv_params)
y = cv_scan.cv_full_response
x = cv_scan.cv_pulse_sequence
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.ylabel('j, mA/cm$^2$')
plt.xlabel('E, V')

# define the parameters of the variable frequency square wave voltammetry simulation
vf_swv_params = {'e_start': 0.1,
        'e_step': -0.01,
        'e_end': -0.5,
        'amplitude': 0.025,
        'log_frequency_min': 0,
        'log_frequency_max': 3,
        'resistance': 10,
        'capacitance': 100*10**(-6)}

# simulate the VF-SWV and visualise the output
vf_swv_scan = VFSWV(layer, vf_swv_params)