Fruit Machine - Java with Android extension

MVP: Create a fruit machine in Java.

  • create a simple piece of software that will operate a fruit machine.
  • the FruitMachine class should:
    • be well tested
    • have a spin() method that returns an integer value
      • return zero if all symbols are not identical
      • return winnings based on the symbol visible
    • allow a player to nudge and hold at random times
    • update and store a players winnings

Project Extensions

  • Allow users to choose from Symbol Packs (Different games.)
  • Extend to 5 reels
  • Turn into an Android app.


  • Two proto-personas, a gambler and a machine owner, with associated user journeys
  • CRC cards to plan out classes and general structure
  • Sketched wireframes for the Android app
  • to keep track of progress

I would have liked to

  • Find a way to use dynamic layouts to give a choice of five (or more) reels as the Java code was already functional
  • Work out how to get a consistent display on tablets and phones
  • Have a way to record player spend and stop when they reach their daily limit

I learned

  • I have a long way to go before I understand layout inflaters, view inflaters, and adaptors in Android
  • Smaller methods and layouts make things a lot easier - Issues in progress