
Quick and Dirty script for clearing out an s3 bucket.

Primary LanguageGo


This is a script for clearing out an s3 bucket. Its quick and dirty, but useful, because you cannot delete an S3 bucket that has gotten too large.


  1. Install Go
  2. Setup your AWS CLI credentials
  3. Clone this repo somewhere on your $GOPATH
  4. Then, from this repo's directory, run:
go get github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go
go build


./gonukeS3 -bucket="bucket-name" -region="region-name"
Usage of ./gonukeS3:
  -bucket string
    	AWS S3 Bucket Name
  -delim string
    	AWS S3 Delimiter
  -max-delete int
    	Delim (default 1000)
  -prefix string
    	The Prefix
  -region string
    	AWS Region (default "us-west-2")
  -v	verbose mode?
  -workers int
    	Number of workers (default 10)