
Custom components for Home Assistant

Primary LanguagePython

Comet Blue thermostats

  • reads beacons sent out by devices to find out about current state, thus no polling
  • active connection is only made to change settings
  • MQTT bridge automatically retries BTLE connections
  • indicates connection failures/no beacons using icon
  • sets correct time/date and desired PIN if not already set

Working features:

  • set desired temp
  • show measured and target temp
  • apply offset to measured temp (should be the same you set on the device) per device in config file
  • read battery level (show using icon)
  • set mode (auto, manual, manual_locked, auto_locked)

Also possible, but not implemented, partially because no HA support:

  • set timer plan
  • detect "window open" state
  • set warm/cold temperature

Example device configuration.yaml block:

  - platform: sygonix
      'Living Room':
        mac: 'AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF'
        pin: 000000
        offset: -1.5