
Auto-generated sitemaps for DocPad

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Sitemap Plugin for DocPad

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This DocPad plugin will automatically generate a valid sitemap.xml file for search engines. It's merely a wrapper for the sitemap.js library.

This project was forked from the solid start made by Khalid Jebbari.

To learn more about sitemap.xml files, read the protocol.


For each document, you can specify the following metadata:

changefreq: 'always' || 'hourly' || 'daily' || 'weekly' || 'monthly' || 'yearly' || 'never' # Change frequency, defaults to 'weekly'
priority: 0.5 # value between 0.0 and 1.0, defaults to 0.5
sitemap: true || false # defaults to true, if false no entry for this document will be generated

For the whole site you can set defaults using the plugin configuration in your docpad.cson or docpad.coffee file.

			url: "http://your-website-production-url.com"  # required for sitemap

			cachetime: 600000
			changefreq: 'weekly'
			priority: 0.5
			filePath: 'sitemap.xml'

By default all HTML files on your site will be considered for inclusion. To specify a different collection, change the collectionName plugin configuration option like so:

			collectionName: 'someCollectionName'


Install this DocPad plugin by entering docpad install sitemap into your terminal.


Discover the release history by heading on over to the HISTORY.md file.


Discover how you can contribute by heading on over to the CONTRIBUTING.md file.



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These amazing people have contributed code to this project:

Discover how you can contribute by heading on over to the CONTRIBUTING.md file.


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