
Get http proxies from some free proxy sites. (爬取免费HTTP代理)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Get http proxies from some free proxy sites.

Site Accessibility
pachong.org China Only
cn-proxy.com Exclude China
txt.proxyspy.net Exclude China
free-proxy-list Exclude China
www.gatherproxy.com Exclude China
www.hide-my-ip.com Exclude China
www.getproxy.jp Exclude China
Account Required
www.xicidaili.com World Wide
www.cybersyndrome.net World Wide


$ pip install freeproxy



Collect proxies

Run freeproxy from Terminal:

usage: freeproxy [-h] [-l] [-t] URL

Get http proxies from some free proxy sites

positional arguments:
  URL         The url for testing proxies. Like "https://www.google.com"

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -l          Logging debug messages to a file
  -t          Test availability of proxies stored in db

Fetch latest proxies from above sites and test them using URL.

$ freeproxy "https://www.google.com"

Testing results are stored in ~/.freeproxy/proxy.db (sqlite). Below is the peewee model:

class Proxy(Model):
    Database Model
    proxy = CharField(primary_key=True)  # "ip:port"
    check_time = DateTimeField(null=True)  # time of testing
    response_time = FloatField(null=True)  # response time(seconds)
    status_code = IntegerField(null=True)  # status code

If the testing URL was unreachable:

  • status_code would be None
  • response_time would be None

Test proxies

You can use the default testing method(Test all the proxies stored in database) or define your own strategy.

freeproxy -t URL uses the default one.

Read proxies

The default method freeproxy.read_proxies() reads all the proxies from database whose status_code is 200.

You can implement your own one.


See peewee doc for querying, or write your own SQL.

from freeproxy import from_pachong_org, from_xici_daili, from_cyber_syndrome
from freeproxy import Proxy, test_proxies, init_db

def your_fetching():
    proxies = from_pachong_org() + from_xici_daili() + from_cyber_syndrome()
    test_proxies(proxies, timeout=8, single_url='http://www.baidu.com')

def your_reading():
    query = Proxy.select().where(~(Proxy.status_code >> None))
    return [p.proxy for p in query]

def your_testing():
    test_proxies(your_reading(), single_url="http://www.baidu.com")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    init_db()  # If you have never successfully run `freeproxy` on Terminal

