
FICM revision notes

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is the start of an attempt to summarise useful material for the FICM exam. At the moment, the structure is far too broad, and the eventual aim will be to narrow the focus. But this requires working out more clearly a theme for the book.

For example, it doesn't make sense to cover topics that are well covered by resources such as UpToDate, or just to reproduce guidelines and evidence.


  • try and summarise topics that are key to understanding the practice of ICM; and do this, even if it is done better elsewhere; the aim should be to collate these key themes

  • possible themes

    • write this as for practical intro to ITU course at UCLH
      • add in recipe section or write the entire thing as a collection of ICU recipes for the typical patient; start with a clinical vignettes (a la FICM case summaries)
    • pearls in the style of summarized notes from papers
    • pick key papers, identify the qn they ask, and then summarise the paper and the context for each (and categorise by theme)