This Payload contains Spoofer, Update Blocker, and FTP in 1! NOW With 4.55 Support!
------ V3.2 Change Log--------
Added SDK spoofer/ VR Enabler Port for 4.55 (VR Not Tested)
Removed Debug Settiungs to avoid Freezing
And More!
------ V3.1 Change Log--------
Fixed Minor error
Added UART
And More!
------ V3/ 4.55 Change Log--------
Added Support for 4.55 with FTP, Debug Settings etc included
Optimized use with a DNS server
Changed Popup Notifcation to "PS4 Update Blocker and FTP V1.2 are now Active"
New Payload Chain
Added back creating PS4UPDATE.PUP
Converted V2 to JS for your website
added Defined Version
And More!
------ V2 ONLY 4.05 Change Log--------
Added so Now the Update cant even download you will get "cannot download" instantly
Now the "PS4 HEN and Blocker V2 are Active" will only come up once the exploit has been successful
It will now look for the new Directory before creating it
Took away creating PS4UPDATE.PUP as its no longer needed (JS Version ONLY)
Converted V2 to JS for your website
added Defined Version
only 14kb now
-----More Info-----
The update blocker creates a folder in /update and unlinks the folder DO NOT REMOVE IT You WILL still get the notifcation of a update let the update download to %100 then you will be greeted with a "Cannot download" message and you cannot install it either so now you cannot update it accidentally...
You can use my website to inject it without injecting it via PC
MADE by Me (LightningMods) AND CelesteBlue If you havnt saw the tweet hes the one that made the Update Blocker code!
-----Special Thinks to-----
and whoever im missing